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Please read this:

So I'm writing this story, if you're reading it, thank you so much!!! It will pick up faster, I promise!

The problem is, it's one of those stories that frustrates you and doesn't turn out exactly the way you want it to. So here's the deal: I'm going to continue writing it. If you actually like it: PLEASE COMMENT! If not, I might take it down and start over.

I really hope you enjoy it, I love Dan and Phil so much.

Please share your thoughts if you may, and thank you so much for reading to here! I try to put bunches of care into my stories!


I'm sorry if the cover art is terrible, I am not sure what to do with it! Inspiration and help, please?!


A World of Lions and Tigers -A Dan and Phil- AmazingPhil and Danisnotonfire-Where stories live. Discover now