Who am I? Who are You?

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For this contest, we're told to talk about ourselves on what make us, distinctly US. But for someone who has been stuck their whole lives, seeing the same faces, in the same little town, doing the same kind of job everyday since they were 18 years old, being distinctly different is a struggle for this girl. She gets up, makes breakfast, greets her mother, comes back to her room, turns on her computer, works for about 2-3 hours, and takes a break. Then, she gets up from her desk, makes lunch, and continues the cycle until dinner. Is it really a cycle, or is it just something she's grown used to?

On the occasion, she write for 4 blogs; two of them are hers, the other two she's contributed for. On the two that are hers, one is a daily news blog. Yes, that one. That blogger that does more Tweeting than blogging, specifically about three things: her favorite rock band, her favorite actor and actress. There is some writing involved, when she writes the somewhat-daily news blogs on what comes up in the band, and the actor and actress's career work lives. But for the most part, she has gone from a normal blogger to a huge fan of all three entities.

The second blog she owns is more of a bookish world filled with book covers, reviews, Top Ten Tuesday posts, Top Five Wednesday posts, and interviews with her favorite authors. (Ok, one interview with her favorite author.)  She still loves what she calls a "baby blog", but since she has only read two, full books in 2017 and gave them both two-star ratings, she has been in a bad, reading slump.

The third website, not owned by her, is both an adjective, and a real word.  A website full of wonderful, beautiful, amazing people who love to fangirl about the same things she does: books, movies, TV shows, and late Netflix-binge parties. 

The fourth and final website, not owned by her, is a plethora of television entertainment. She knows how much is at stake for any project she picks up from this website, because everything they do has to be 100 percent. While she thinks she works at a 90 percent, she still pushes that extra ten because they are worth it.

All of these different platforms for one person? If you think she's crazy for doing this, you're probably right. She knows it could cut into her "real life" time, but she doesn't care. To her, this is her "real life" time.

Anyway, she can't let this entry get too long. It is for a contest, after all. But even if she doesn't win, even if she doesn't even get noticed by the major executives who are behind the movie for this contest, it's worth it. Because she found a way to get out of her personal writing slump. Reading is a different story!

She is me. I am she. We are both. Who are you?

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