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Loneliness can kill a human.
But I guess I'm okay with that.

I'm already dying.

You see, I'm not physically alone, nor am I lonely.

But, that feeling when you look around a room full of people and realize.

You have no-one. 

That lightheaded drowsy emptiness that filled me up completely, was so - so normal.

Because I never truly let it sink in, the fact that I never really had anyone.

To be frank.

When I make eye contact with people who only pretend to know me.

Only pretend to care about how I am, how I'm holding up.

I feel that slight bit more dead inside.

Despite the fact the I reply and say "I'm good" with a fake smile plastered to my face.

I know.

I know that they don't really genuinely care.

If they did, they would know that smile was fake as fuck.

To be honest, even though I'm a liar, I'm glad they don't care.

Again, I'm not lonely, I love being alone.

              It comes naturally.


             Who am I lying to?

From your favorite liar x.

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