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Love really isn't easy. Especially when you're a fourteen year old living in England in the midst of a war. My name is Marcela, and I am, originally, from France. My parents didn't want me to stay in the country since the Germans have completely taken over, and instead sent me to my uncle's house, where I lived for two years. And as for the person who I love - or hate, both work - is the most self-centered, arrogant dimwit who I have ever encountered. When I first met Walter, I thought he was uncle Arthur's son, which would be surprising, since they daren't anything alike. But as I later learned, he was employed by my uncle to be Hellsing's butler and the organization's ultimate weapon against supernatural forces in the war. The Angel of Death, as he was called. But the description I just gave you might have been misleading. When people hear of an "Angel of Death" they probably don't imagine him to be a scrawny fourteen-year old boy with a superiority complex. Despite my utter hatred for him, we both still lived under my uncle's roof and had to, somehow, get along, even if that seemed impossible

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