chapter 3

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After a while of me sitting by the cliff thinking about life smoking and realizing I left my beer at the park and knowing no one knew where was I kinda gave up on time
I almost fell asleep smoking so that wasn't fun I did burn myself on my left hand on my thumb which I use to write so that's fun it was a pretty big burn too cause I didn't realize what happened until it being on my thumb for a while until I "woke up"
I decided to go back home for bit I'm going to be yelled at by Sean for leaving and being gone for so long

I soon got home and saw someone's car was here I walked in and saw Dan and Phil where here
"What are you guys doing here"
"Well I don't know why I'm here Dan just kinda dragged me along"
"No no no I dragged you along for a reason you two are going to become friends me and jax already have it set out Sean he is with Mark and Jax where going to lock you two in your room with no way to get out and your going to make up and be friends cause we are tired of you guys fighting"
"No no not my room"
"Yes your room"
"Dan this is so unfair you know I don't like him after 2 years of fighting I think you would've gotten this" I nodded my head agreeing with Phil
"Yes that's why I'm doing it now me and Sean already got things out that you 2 could pick a lock with so good luck"
Dan pushed us to my and Sean's room and locked the door and I saw that the window was locked too
"Fuck they really mean it"
"Yeah when Dan does something he does it"
"Well if your in my house in my room you got to let me do what I do"
"And what is that smoking because I know you, when you go out you smoke the whole box and that's why you buy 2 but when your best friend brother and your best friends boyfriend are in your house and 2 of them no they will take things"
"You did not"
"Oh but I did and Sean but the alcohol back where it was so you can't drown me out"
"I hate all of you especially you"
"Aww come on maybe we could get along"
"Not in a million chances"
"Aww come on maxi, max , ugh fine max a million"
"Don't call me that"
"I'm going too if you don't answer me do it for Dan ,come on I'm trying to do this for jax there probably outside the door listening too this and Dan is probably upset because you wont bother to get to know his "
"His what Phil? Come on at least tell jax I mean he would like to know eventually if he is even out there"
"Dan is probably upset that you won't bother to get to know his boyfriend, there I said it"
Next thing we heard jax yelled Dan name followed but a slap sound and Dan saying ow
Me ams Phil started laughing so hard even Dan was laughing but trying to calm down Jax who was freaking out still
"Thanks Phil i really love you"
"i know you do"

*after a bit of time*

After a bit of time of me and Phil talking Dan and Jax left an it was just us with occasional fights.

"You know Max I don't get why you think you have to throw up your food for you to look nice you already do."

"I don't get why you have to be such an asshole to me most of the time either."

"No like I'm being dead honest like your body is amazing and if I wasn't gay I would find you hot as hell, hell I still do."

"Your only saying that because you thinks it makes me feel better."

"No I'm saying this to let you know the truth I just don't get why you do it."

"I don't know it makes me feel better I guess I always realize what I ate realized how bad it was and throwing it up making me feel better. And it helps me lose weight there was a point in my life that I did nothing but gain weight you can ask Jax I just ate then I started throwing it up losing the weight and I told Jax that I was just exercising to lose the weight and he believed It, it was only suppose to be only for that time period but I felt good because of it and I still do so I haven't stopped."

"That's bad for you how about you actually exercise and lose your weight in a healthy manner."

"I don't like doing that can we just sleep its late and tomorrow is the last day we have to see each other until Monday hopefully."

"You know how that's going to go down don't you."

"Yes now let me dream Philip."

Phil stopped talking to me and left me to my thoughts which where really disturbing and messes me up and I just stared at the wall for a solid 2 hours waiting for something to happen I walked to the door and tried to unlock it. I hate being in this room for too long it gives me too many bad memories of my dad and my mum and sometimes even Sean but it general just me being me and being stupid we have a bathroom connected to the room and I go in there all the time to throw up my food and it gives me so much anxiety being in there I cant be in there for very long. After a while of trying to open the door I started crying again so I went to the window and tried to open that but I couldn't so I started crying harder I cant be in this room for very much longer I saw the light on in Marks room and I knew Sean was in there and I sat by the window crying and then Phil's phone woke him up making me try to hide myself crying. I heard him gasp and turn on the light finding me weak and crumbled up in a ball.

"Shh Max your okay your fine calm down."

"No Phil I cant be in this room any more its been to long I cant to many memories to many bad memories."

"Okay Ill text Dan he is the only one with the key Sean said he say you trying to get out and he knows you have panic attacks and get a lot of anxiety in the room so he wanted me to check on you."

I knodded and continued crying into Phil's chest something that I hate that I'm doing but I cant stop it I heard the door open and saw Sean and Dan standing there and I ran to Sean and hugged him leaving Dan and Phil very confused with me and Sean knowing what is going I just kinda sit there for a moment before excusing myself and getting out of the house Dan and Phil where still very confused but Sean understood and let me go.

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