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The sky slowly grew darker as black clouds devoured the sun above. There floating high above a man stood holding out his staff staring at a guy down below. He was only about 18 but his entire body screamed power. The man in the sky let his lips slowly curl upwards into a deformed smile of anger.

"The child of the land of sunlight. The very boy who practically ended all my peoples lives when he was born. I have you now!" His voice came in a booming echo as he began to work his spell. The one below  grunted, And began to swing his hands in circles as a bright thin layer of light spread out from them. A shield slowly grew outward and toward the others around him.

"This ends. I didn't choose the downfall of your people. I didnt choose to be like this but I know what your doing is wrong!" His voice carried across the wind. His shield grew slowly as it increased in light. In a house not far behind him a girl had taken shelter. Now she looked out of a small crack watching the conflict take place. Her heart pounded.

"No Pete. Don't. Your not strong enough." She whispered to wall as if he could hear her right there. Pete continued to draw out his spell. The man in the sky waited. It was like a game to him. The girl shivered. She had to do something. She couldn't hide from this.

Standing up she went to the door. "Stay inside and stay quite. Its time I act like I'm supposed to." She said to those who had joined her and was soon standing outside in the shadows. Her long light brown hair whipping around as the cold wind ripped at her. Her bright green eyes grabbed onto what was happening.

Pete's shield was finished and now a ball of light was heading straight for her. She was stunned. Unable to move she watched as it got closer. Pete hadn't known anyone was inside of this house. Her heart seemed to stop. She was going to die before she got the chance to do something.

The ball of shadows was apon her. When suddenly a figure jumped in the way. Pete took the attack head on right in front of her. "Jess!" He screamed just as he made impact with the dark magic. It happened quickly and soon Jess was looking down at Pete's still body.

She fell to her knees and grabbed hold of his shoulders very slowly. Even as she turned him over she sighed out in relief when she heard him moan in pain. He was still alive. She looked at his face and shook. The shield he had casted was down and the man in the sky began to shoot dozens of those spells all over.

"Pete." Jess whispered and her voice shook. She finally felt the warm tears on her cheeks. Her friend was hurt. Slowly she lifted her head and looked up at the man in the clouds. When she looked back down at Pete her blood began to boil. Her eyes lost all light and she understood what was about to happen.

Gently she set Pete's head down on the ground.  Then stepped forward. Something inside of her snapped and a rush of freshness ran threw her and pure anger at its highest. Another step forward and she dropped. "How could you?" She asked. Her voice carried. The man in the sky turned and looked down at her. "You got something to say girly. They will be your famous last words."

Jess slowly lifted her head. Her hair in her face. "How could you hurt another people just like someone hurt your own?" She said louder. A sudden rush of energy ran threw her. "You have no right to take a persons life. You were never given that privilege! You will be smitten by your own crimes!" She screamed.

The man in the sky smiled and laughed. "Oh you mean like this.?" He said as he sent another blast of magic at a person and ended there life. Jess glared at the man threw her hair. A small wind began to pick up and the pure anger in her eyes finally showed.

There normal bright color was now a bright golden red. "Yes. You will killed by your own crimes. You will be killed by me." She said. The man in the sky seemed to grow pale when jess began to crouch. Her eyes still on her target. You could see her bloodlust. And she wanted to spill that mans blood.

With a single push from the ground she was sent rocketing into the air. "Shit!" The man screamed as he pulled back just in time to miss jess colliding with him. "You killed people you didnt know." She said from above. She had snatched his staff from his hands. Her eyes glowed brightly. "That spell is to ancient to be mastered. How could a mear child like you use it?!" Jess smiled.

She had used a spell she had read in the library in Pete's town. About the ability to take down any obstacle in your way without loosing energy. But when the spell finished that was it. No more. She began to spin at a spear so fast in made her look like a saw. She begannto guid herself toward this man as he screamed. He launched magic at jess and she felt her very self being crack.

She sliced off his arm. He screamed and continued to try and get away. Jess frowned. Down below she could hear people gathering to watch and she could hear Pete grunting as he slowly rose to his feet.

Jess waved her hand in that direction and a golden rap went around everyone who was still alive. Then she focused on the fight. Another ball of magic slapped her face. She felt a crack right beneath her eye. Her spell was working. She sped up on her magic. And was soon in the mans face with a magical chain around his head "I am the last of my people."

She said as she put her hand to his chest and grabbed ahold of his clothing. "My people were able to use that magic on the power of there will." She began to angle herself back toward the earth. "You may think this is the only thing you can do for your people but its not. You could have gotten married to another person and continued your peoples blood but you went to revenge."

They began to steep downwards. "That was your fault. And now I'm putting an end to that shadow. Your heart died off. You don't care for your people. You just want a reason to kill."
Her hands grabbed onto his head and neck.

More cracks crawled up her skin as she clutched onto him. Her hands began to let off a soft golden light. She felt her rage turn to calmness.

"But you were also suffering. So leave. Go to them." his screams came to an end and his life was over but a smile was plastered on his lips and tears running down his cheeks told Jess he was at peace.

She turned his body to ash and began to head for the ground. Her spell began to fade bit by bit. Pete ran across the ground toward her with tears in his eyes. The bubble he had been in was gone and his injuries were healed.

Jess stood on the dirt and looked at him. The cracks on her skin slowly growing wider. She smiled at him and opened her arms wider.

"Jess what were you thinking!" he said as he rapped his arms around her. When he heard his weight crack her leg he finally realized her very fabrication was failing.

"You can't leave me." he whispered to Jess. She shook her head and lifted her hand even as her side began to break away and turn into fragments that floated in the wind.

"You'll remember me so I won't be leaving you. You know what I am. So just tell my story OK." Pete shook his hand. A tear ran down his cheek. "I'm sorry I yelled those things at you. I love you." he said with a quivering voice.

Jess smiled. Her hands cupped his face as he closed his eyes. She drew close and gave him a kiss on the cheek leaving a small symbol. He opened his eyes to see that her right leg was completely gone and she continued to disappear.

"I love you to. Never forget that." she said. Pete closed his eyes and grabbed her hand holding it with him.

"Ill see you again Someday. For now goodbye" Pete's eyes shot open and he realized all he was holding onto was what was left then it to shattered. Pete fell to his knees. "I didn't even get to take you out on a date." he whispered. Then he wiped his eyes.

A sudden wave of peace ran over him and his cheek grew warm. He smiled. She had left a small charm to help him smile. She was always so thoughtful. He shook his head and sighed. "Ill see you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2017 ⏰

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