「99th period」: flight time

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thanks so much for all you insights, regarding the cover. as promised, here's the next chapter. this will be the second to the last chapter of this book. enjoy!

student no. 1

The funny thing about Iroha was that, despite having graduated just yesterday, she never changes her ways.

"That girl..." Kataoka sighed as we waited in the airport together with the rest of the class. "I can't believe she's late".

"We've been here for half an hour and we aren't even the ones who are going to ride the plane" Maehara deadpanned, as Nagisa tried his best to chuckle.

"Well, old habits die hard" the blue haired male attempted to defend her.

"Rather, we should actually be glad that she managed to graduate middle school" Kayano added.

"That girl probably stayed up late playing video games again, though~" I guessed, imagining how she must be hurrying the hell out of her apartment by now.

"That does sound a lot like her" Kanzaki agreed, smiling at the thought.

"Tsk, I had to get my ass up early and she got the guts to sleep in?—" Terasaka complained, only to get cut off when we heard a voice coming from right behind us.

The girl, we've been waiting for, stood behind us seeming oblivious about how much she made us wait, "Geh, aren't you early—".

If she was Korosensei, we would have been shooting bullets at her by now.

"Iroha! You little— Do you know how long we had to wait?!" Terasaka turned to her, and the girl laughed sheepishly.

"My flight's at 1:00, what are you doing here at 11?" she pointed out, successfully pissing even Kayano off.

"You said you were leaving at 11!" the green haired girl showed the message she sent last night until Iroha realized.

"Ah crap, I mistyped it..." she muttered before smiling at us and feigning innocence, "Well sorry about that guys".

I smiled at her, making sure my voice was laced with venom, as I flicked her forehead, "Iroha, you really love causing trouble don't you?~"

She covered herself soon after, exclaiming accusingly, "That hurt, Karma!".

"It's you price to pay. You made us wait after all. Right?~" I gave off devious aura, waiting for the girl to submit herself.

"Yes, my apologies" she muttered, averting her eyes as she pouted it with no sense of remorse at all.

"You—" I started only to be cut off by our class representative.

"Alright, that's enough" Isogai dealt with the situation, trying to stop the fight before hand. "You two would never stop once your at it".

"Eh~ But this'll be the last time I'll be able to mess with Karma" she whined.

"I'll make sure I get back tenfold when you return, don't worry" I smirked, assuring her.

𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐅. karma akabaneWhere stories live. Discover now