Louis Tomlinson - Long Imagines

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As a surprise for yours and Louis' first year anniversary, Louis treats the two of you to a hot air balloon ride.
You float through the air as the sun sets over London. He holds you in his arms and whispers " I hope we can be as happy and still together till the day I die" you smile and stare into his loving blue eyes. He kisses you softly before reaching into his bag. He lifted out a flask " fancy a cup of tea?" you giggle and nod.
" we really can't go anywhere without a cup of tea!" you jokingly say. He pours you a cup and says " here's to our future" you both raise you cup as if it was champagne.nothing could've been more perfect!
As you sip the last drop of tea , something hits your lip. You look down at the mug to see a diamond ring sparkling in the sun. He knelt down on one knee and says "Y/N will you marry me?" you scream and say " of course I will boo!"


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2012 ⏰

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