Chapter 2

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I left my house to go to Josh's not far from here. I was walking, but I was a bit dizzy, so walking became more a bit of stumbling I don't know why. I had my breakfast... well I'll just keep on walking, stumbling. It was clouded outside and a bit misty. Ugh, I don't like it. Not at all. I can see a few girls from my school walking across the street, the more seen girl: Tamara, Ashley and Breeanna. I was looking at how they smiled and how they were talking to eachother. Why can't I be like that? Maybe then Harry would notice me. Are you serious, look at them and look at you. You're normal get that boy out of your head. He's so out of your leauge, deal with it and move on already. My thoughts, the thoughts that pulled me back to reality. It's true though, he won't ever notice me, nobody would. I wasn't paying attention and slipped into a mud pool. ''Shit!'' I shouted when I fell. The girls were laughing at me. Yeah I'm noticed, not by Harry, but by the populars, as a total loser. I got back up and ran to Josh's. My jeans are totally ruined, as is a part of my legs since I was wearing Ripped jeans. I finally reached his hous. Not that it's far, just because running with my dirty clothes for a minute felt like an hour. I came up to his front garden. Joshie has a pretty nice house, He has a tiny tree and lots of beautiful flowers in his garden. His mom's very proud of it. I enterd the path of stones that separates one side of the garden with the tiny tree and the other part with the colourful, beautiful flowers. I was standing infront of his door, my second home, since I come here a lot. I knocked on the door three times, as I usually do. His mum opened up

''Hi hunny, how are you? Come in come in!'' Ellie, his mum, said.

''Hi Mrs. Davids,'' I replied, ''thanks, is Josh ready?''

''Oh Jadie, you can call me Ellie,'' she said with a nice smile, ''I'll tell him you're here, he's still upstairs said he needed his English book.'' when she just wanted to turn around, on the moment I wanted to say something she said: ''But sweetie, what happened with your jeans?''

''Yeah, erm, they got dirty when I fell on the way here.'' I said akwardly.

''Wait'' she said. ''Joshie hunny, Jade's here.'' she shouted. ''You know what Jade? You go upstairs and try to clean your jeans in the bathroom, if it doesn't work you can always borrow one of Amy's Jeans and leave this one so I could wash them in the washing machine!'' She said. Amy is Josh's sister she's two years older than Josh and me, but we seem to have the same size in clothes, since she is just a bit taller than me. Very nice of Ellie, she always was like a second mom to me and Amy like a big sister. 

''It's alright, I'll clean my jeans, very nice though! Thanks Ellie.''

I went upstairs where I met Josh with his backpack in his hand.

''Hey Jade, I'm ready. Think I left my book in my locker at school.'' He said with his morning voice

''Josh! haha that's okay, we'll go. But wait just one second gonna try to clean my jeans'' I answered.

''What happened?'' he asked?

''I'll explain it to you later'' I said while smiling.

when I finally got my jeans a bit cleaned I ran downstairs.

''Let's go!'' I said to Josh

''Okay.'' he replied.

''Mom we're going now bye!'' He yelled at his mom, she was in the kitchen doing the dishes I guess.

We were on our way to school. A 5-minute walk with my best friend.

''So you and Sophie huh, how is it going?'' I asked him while smiling as the weirdo I am.

''Yeah, good I guess.'' He said with a strange voice, You could just see in the way he acted how it wasn't that good at all.

''Now for real Josh.'' It seemed like I almost demanded the truth.

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