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//help me//


I groan walking into the room, so called "Park Jimin's Dance Class".

I roll my eyes, what am I getting myself into now?

Daia, Katelynn, and Connie all said that this would be good for me, what do they know about what's good for me.

The room was empty, no one in sight. I look at my phone, maybe I'm too early.

"Hi, I'm Park Jimin, are you here for my dance class?" a voice said. I turn to see an attractive tall, male in front of me.

"Uh... Y-yes," I stuttered out.

"Am I too early?" I ask setting my bag down against the wall.

"Oh, no no. I'm just not a popular dance instructor, how did you find out about me?" he asked.

"My friends, they recommended you to me. Said it was good for me." I explained

He nodded,"Ah, okay. Well I have a choreography ready, my friends who are helping me out should be in soon."

I nod. I put my phone in my bag before stretching.

"Are you experienced with dancing?" Jimin asked

I shook my head,"I mean unless you count doing K-pop choreography in front of my mirror experience."

"I call it experience,"Jimin smirked.

Suddenly, 3 people came in.

Taehyung, Jin, Yoongi?

"Taehyung? Jin? Yoongi?" I call out.

"Katie? What're you doing here?" Tae asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Connie, Daia, and Katelynn told me to go here." I answered confused.

"You guys know each other?"

"She's a friend of Connie," Tae answered. Connie's boyfriend.

"Friend of Daia," Yoongi replied, Daia's boyfriend.

"She's a friend of ours," Jin answered, Katelynn's boyfriend.

Was this their way of getting me to find someone new?

I roll my eyes.

"Let's jut get started," Jimin said.

"This song is called Blood, Sweat, and Tears. We produced it ourselves," Yoongi smirked.

"Good for you," I smiled sarcastically, in the mirror, I saw Jimin staring at me.

I dismissed it, he was probably just zoning out.

They did the choreography at least 5 times before actually teaching me.

They taught me Jimin's part.

I studied his face as he drank his water. I watched as the beads of sweat rolled down his neck, disappearing into the shirt he wore over his torso. He's attractive, not gonna lie, but if this the way my friends are trying to help me move on, it's not gonna work.

Jimin winked at me before getting in a conversation with Taehyung.

I rolled my eyes before trying the choreography again.

As I got to the chorus, Connie and Katelynn walked through the door.

"Katie?" Connie asked surprised

"Yeah, who else?" I replied. Jimin chuckled behind me.

"We didn't think you would actually come!"Katelynn said, wrapping her arm around Jin's waist, who walked towards her.

"Why did you come?" Connie asked me.

I shrugged. I didn't know why I came. A little bit of me wanted to move on, but the majority didn't want to.

Connie sighed,"Hug?"

Her arms wide open, I shrug before walking to her. Tae ran in front of me, hugging his girlfriend.

"Yah! That was for me!" I yelled.

"Too bad, she's my girlfriend," Tae fought back, Connie slapped his chest before smiling at me.

"So? She's my friend! I've known her longer!" I exlclaim.

"Unnie!" I call out for Katelynn.

She puts her hands up in surrender,"I'm not a part of this."

Connie laughed,"It's okay, hugs for everyone!"

She wrapped her arms around me. I missed her hugs, it comforted me. But as I hugged her longer,  it reminded me of how he hugged me all the time.

I pull away, putting a fake smile on my face.


Soon after joking around with them; Jin, Katelynn, Connie, Tae, and Yoongi left. Leaving Jimin and I here.

I smiled at him. To be honest, I wanted to stay and practice more.

"Are you gonna be leaving soon?" Jimin asked

"Probably," my stomach grumbled. Jeez, when was the last time I ate?

"Hungry?" Jimin chuckled.

"No I'm fine," I smiled.

"Come on, I'll treat you."

Jimin picked up both of our bags before dragging me out of the room.

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