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I really wish people would think before doing because a lot of things have happened in this world and not all of them have a reason behind them. So please remember to think before acting...

I hope there's some of you out there that care about my best friend Lizzy... She hasn't been very active lately due to a lot of ooa events... So if you care...please reach out to her and make sure she's okay... I would but she won't answer my texts or calls and we don't live around each other anymore... So please reach out to her. She gave up this account so She and I can try to stay in touch since She used wattpad a lot more then anything else... Please... All I ask of you guys.. Is to reach out and talk to her. I won't tag her but her user is lizzyoffic- and she might be on... She might not be on... I dunno... But I'm really worried about her since she won't answer me any way I try to contact her... Please? Help me and try and talk to her...😞

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