Metallica, Skillet, Led Zeppelin, Sixx AM

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*Note: I will only write the artists of the songs. YOU have to guess the names of the songs used, some will be obvious, others will be harder to find. Guesses can be dropped in my DM, and the winner gets to have the next chapter about their songs.*

It's World War III. I'm off to fight for my country. I'll be back soon. 

That's what I promised my family.

 I don't know where I am now. All I remember was being told to move because a bomb was thrown at our side. 

I can't move. Can't speak. 

I feel like I'm falling. There's darkness all around me. 

Why did I think I could be a  hero? I tried to speak my concerns that we are only fighting to settle a dispute that the imbecile United States President started. But on the field it was almost as bad as him. 

I can see the light. A shimmer of gold catches my eye, and as I squint my eyes to get a clearer look, I see stairs leading up into the sky. Funny, with the life I lived I thought there would be a dark highway.

I can move now, shaky steps towards the stairs, colour swirls past me. I can touch and move them to how I want. As I move up more, I see the stars come closer. Its so beautiful. I want to stay, but I must continue up this stairway.

*sorry I know its bad. The next one will be better*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2017 ⏰

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