Jon snow imagines

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You were riding side saddle pressed against Ramsey. He had kept you as his personal plaything since Sansa had escaped, and because he couldn't hurt her anymore he decided to hurt Jon Snow,by hurting you. You were very close to him and the Starks, ever since Ned Stark took you in as a ward when you were 13. You decided to stay behind with Bran and Rickon when Rob left for war. They were like your brothers and you would have gone to the ends of the earth to keep them safe. When Theon betrayed the Starks you attacked the guards to create a diversion to help them escape. You would have done anything to protect them, even of it meant trapping yourself in Winterfell with nobody to protect you. You had been kept as a prisoner since then. Then came Ramsey. He knew what you were to the Starks and he knew they cared for you. So he tortured you, beat you, cut you, burned you. Anything to make you scream. But he stopped himself from doing anything that would leave scars. He liked a 'pretty canvas' to work on. He would hit your body until you were just a collection of black and blue bruises and sore bones. But, his favorite pass time was to whip you, he would rip open the back of your dress and whip you until you could feel the blood trickling down your backside. He was a sadistic twisted piece of shit that would try anything to make you scream for mercy, at least he hasn't raped you. Yet. He claims to be waiting for a special occasion. Waiting for Jon Snow you supposed, when it would do the most damage. And here he was. Your Jon. Ready to take back Winterfell. He didn't even know you were here. Ramsey kept you hidden from Sansa so that she wouldn't tell Jon, and now you were riding out to meet them before the battle. "Are you excited to see him again, darling?" Ramsey asked you. The question sounded innocent in his mouth. But his eyes were cruel and cold. You refused to show any emotion on your face. You knew it would only bring him pleasure to see you suffer. When you didn't reply he dug his fingers into your ribs painfully, you tried your best not to wince but failed. You couldn't even move away. He had you trapped against him and your skin crawled at the feeling of his hot breath against your neck. He smiled at your discomfort. "Well, I think it will be a lovely surprise for him. Don't you? To see his love once again," he smirked, "oh the look on his face when he sees how pretty I've made you." His voice reminded you of a coiled snake, ready to suddenly lash out. You turned your face away in disgust. He had dressed you in a fine blue silk dress, to complimented your curvy figure, tan skin and dark brown hair. You had been bathed and groomed. Your full lips were painted a soft red and your neck had been scented with the soft smell of jasmine from Dorne. He wanted you to look as beautiful as possible. You were unsure as to why, Jon Snow never thought of you as anything more than a friend. You were pulled away from your thoughts when Ramsey begun to stroked your side lovingly. The sensation alarmed you. "Now darling, here we are" he helped you off the horse. You were confused, Jon and Sansa wouldn't be here for a few more minutes. He smirked at you and nodded at two guards who grabbed your arms to hold you still. Your eyes widened in fear as you realized what he had planned. He ripped off your thick fur coat, the only thing to keep you warm, the dress, although beautiful, didn't provide much heat. "We want to make him angry don't we." He said as he brushed the back of his hand against your cheek. You pulled away and began to trembled in the cold. This is why he hadn't harmed you in a while, He wanted your wounds to be fresh. Ramsey proceeded to beat you as the two men held you upright. You would feel bruises forming on your body and it was difficult to breath, he probably broke a few ribs. Then he took out a knife and proceeded to cut into your chest an collar bones, he wanted your pain to be as visible as possible. He hit you once through the face, hard enough for an ugly purple bruise to form on your jawline. "Now lads. Give her a good few lashings on her back, put a bag over her head and keep her still. I imagine our friend will be arriving soon" the guards proceeded to do as their lord commanded. They ripped open the back of your dress, but left enough material to cover your front, your shoulders were bare. You bit hard into your lips as the slashes from the whips burned your cold skin, leaving red, bleeding cuts. They whipped you to the point where you nearly blacked out from the pain. The placed the bag over your head and held you upright on your knees, you were to week to hold yourself up. Your body began to tremble, not just from the cold but from anticipation as well, you could hear their horses getting closer. You couldn't much hear their conversation, the bag muffled all of the sounds around you. But you did catch snippets of Jon's voice and it send your heart soaring. It had been years since you've seen him. "Now Lord snow, I have a surprise for you, someone to help convince you to leave this all alone." You recognized Ramsey's voice. The guards lifted you up and threw you into the snow by his feet. You listed yourself up to a kneeling position. Your body was shaking with fear, you knew something bad was going to happen. "Ta dah!" Ramsey pulled the bag off from your head and you heard Jon's sudden intake of breath. You refused to open your eyes. You couldn't bare to look at him, you knew it would only cause him to make a foolish mistake out of rage. "Darling. You're being rude. Ramsey grabbed our chin and forced you to look at Jon. Your heart nearly stopped. His hair had changed and his beard grew out, he had the build of a man, the boy was dead.

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