Chapter 1

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Maexiine's Point of view. 

"Get back here snob!" The mother of the orphanage yelled. All while I was running towards my room chuckling. 

Once seeing my room in the distance, I realized my roommate was just walking out. I had to halt in order to not run into her, but I didn't want to get caught. She was nice, but my life was on the line. 

"ouch! what-" my roommate Lacey started, until she saw who was running towards me. She pushed me into my room, and closed the door so she couldn't get to me. 

Calming down in my room, I chuckled to myself a bit. Who knew some old lady would get mad over a little peach being thrown. I heard her screaming at Lacey, which was not good. Lacey couldn't handle people screaming, or yelling at her. 

walking out, I decided to confront her while she was still screaming. "Hey! I'm right here! Don't you ever scream at Lacey. Ever. Again." I said in the most serious tone  I could muster up. 

"Well maybe if she wasn't in my-" she started until I cut her off "No. You don't yell at her, nor do you scream at her. Understand?" I said cutting her off midsentence stalking towards her with a mad face. 

She coward back and nodded in compliance. I smirked and looked over at Lacey, who was tear streaked. I stood there and apologized, while comforting her. She sniffed, and I saw one of my brothers, Troye, coming down the hall. He saw me and scrunched up his eyebrows, coming faster towards us. 

Now you didn't hear this from me, but Troye has had a crush on Lacey for the longest time. He's never had the courage to say anything since she didn't think the same about him., or at least that's what she told me. 

"Hey Lace, you okay?" He asked, curiosity written all over his face. Lacey didn't say anything, but detached from me and attached to him. I could see his heart jump a little, especially with his smile across his lips.

"Okay lose-" I was cut off by the announcer ringing. Meaning we had a visitor, so go to the lobby in nice clothing in 5 minutes. 

We've heard this bell so many times, but we never got picked. Lacey and Troye separated and Troye went back to his room down the hall. Me and Lacey went into our rooms, and put on a sundress. Hers being a nice red lace one, mine being a lavender lace one. 

"You ready?" She asked me after she finished putting her dress and mascara on. 

I nodded in response, just getting done with my mascara myself. Putting my lipbalm on quickly, we headed out the door. I saw everyone else leaving at the same time as well. I got a few death glares, but mainly smiles. I was not liked around here, mainly because of my brothers. Pushing that thought aside, I made my way downstairs. Seeing everyone in the line in their spots. 

"Alright, now 3 gentlemen are coming to adopt someone. We have no description on what they're looking for, but be nice. You may sit down and chat." They were saying as I got in my spot in the line.

We all nodded, dispersing into our own little cliques. Me, Lacey, and my 7 brothers got together in my corner. Yes, you heard me right. Seven brothers. I'm the 4th born, making 3 older, and 4 younger than me. 

"I'm worried we will get separated every time someone comes in" My worried brother Toby said. He was right, they could separate us. "We just have to make sure that doesn't happen. We can negotiate." Trent snorted back. 

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