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Park Chaeyoung

Tossing and turning on this shitty bed isn't helping me to sleep. I can't fucking sleep and it's 2:03 AM already. I fucking have classes and I need to wake up at 5:00 AM.

"Damn this won't help."

I stood up not bothering that I'm only wearing an oversized white shirt,no bra, and an underwear.

I needed some milk to make me feel sleepy.

"Holy fucking shit."

We ran out of milk.

"Jennie fucking kim is at fault."

So I started to dig up the fridge for some chocolate milk and then again, found nothing.

"My God. It's either Jisoo or Lisa. Fuck."

I sighed as I settled on drinking some water instead. After drinking I headed to my room but then i heard Lisa's door which is just beside mine open.

"You were looking for some milk?"

I looked at her. More like glared at her I mean.

"I was about to offer you chocolate milk but I change my mind. Goodnight Chaengie."

She was about to close her door when I called her again.

"Lisa wait! Fuck ok I'm sorry. Ok? Now where's my milk?"

"It's in here. Go get your phone first."


"My phone's drained so we're gonna use your phone for our alarm."

"Fine. Give me a sec."

"I'm waiting here."

I entered my room and grabbed my phone but then I saw myself in the mirror and hesitated if I should grab a shorts or not?

"Nah. She's not wearing a bra and she's wearing a loose tank top. She got an underwear paired with her short shorts. It's just Lisa."

I walked to my door to see Lisa still standing there.

"Hey I got it."

"Ok you're sleeping in my room."

"I know. You don't need to tell me."

"I thought you were stupid to not know that when I told you to get your phone it means that you'll be sleeping in my room."

"So telling me that means you're the stupid one."

We laughed while entering her room.

"TONE DOWN BITCHES!" Jennie yelled.

"SHUT UP PEOPLE!" Jisoo followed.

We tried to tone it down a bit so instead of laughing we just giggled.

I jump onto her bed and her amazing scent attacked my nose. She seriously smells so good I swear.

I turned around and saw her getting the milk out of her drawer.

"It's not cold because I stocked it here yesterday."

"Nah it's fine. I'm not allowed to drink something cold so it's fine."

She gave me the box of milk and she settled on sleeping beside me.

I was happily drinking my milk and halfway through it I already felt sleepy.

I put the milk on her small table and lied down with her.

Lisa's back was facing me so I backhugged her.

"Thanks for the milk baby."

I whispered gently on her nape.

I felt her move and now she's facing me. She hugged me back.

"I did that on purpose."

"Did what on purpose?"

"You're really stupid Chipmunk."

"Lisa just tell me goodness."

"I purposely stored milk on my drawer so if ever you can't sleep I'll give you some then you'll sleep here."

Then Lisa kissed the top of my nose.

"Why would you do that?"

"I miss you."

She kissed my forehead.

"We're in one dorm babe, what's with you?"

"I don't know. Maybe I love you so much that I still miss you even if we're in one dorm."

Then she kissed my forehead again.

She hugged me tighter and our face only some inches away.

"I missed you so much baby. School's been keeping us apart."

Then Lisa pouted. She's too adorable. I swear to god she's so adorable.

"I love you babygirl."

Lisa said and kissed me on my lips.

I kissed back feeling her smile into the kiss.

It wasn't a steamy kiss, it was sweet yet full of love.

"I love you too Lisa."

Then she smiled at me so sweetly.

Then Lisa suddenly kissed my forehead again.

"I can't sleep." I said and I looked her in the eye.

"After drinking some milk you still can't sleep?"

"No. After you became all lovey-dovey I still can't sleep."


"It didn't help. It only made me more awake and all I wanna do is to cuddle with you."

"Well not a problem. I want to cuddle with my adorable chipmunk too."

We giggled and started to shower each other with pecks, hugs, and whispered sweet nothings in each other's ears.

I forgot to tell everyone that I'm Park Chaeyoung and Lisa Manoban's my girlfriend. It's not obvious right?

Sleep ; ChaeLisaWhere stories live. Discover now