Chapter 11

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Irene's P.O.V


I lay down after eating my medicine. I just came back from the doctor because I'm sick. I'm having a high fever, sore throat, coughing, running nose. Urgh! I hate it so much! Getting sick is like my enemy.

I heard a knock on my door. It opens and it was Tasha unnie. She gave me a smile, walking in my room. She place a tray on my nightstand. "I made chicken porridge for you." - she said.

"Thanks unnie." - i said, giving a small smile. I sit up.

"Finish it. I'll go downstairs to continue with my work." - she said. I nodded. She left my room. I sighed. She was the one who brought me to the clinic. Not my parents. Or unnie. They are always busy with work.

If Tasha unnie isn't here, i don't know who would take care of me if I'm sick. I grab the bowl, eating the porridge. While eating, i turn on the tv. Then, my phone vibrated. Oh god, it's Jimin.

I didn't tell him that I'm sick. He's a trainee, already stress with trainings, i don't wanna add on to it. I answered it. "Hello?"

"Uhhh..." - he started.

"What's wrong with your voice, jagiya?" - he asked. If i lie, he'll find out anyways.

"I'm sick." - i said.

"Aigoo. Have you seen the doctor?" - he asked.

"Eo. I did. With Tasha unnie." - i said. He let out a relieve sigh.

"Why didn't you tell me? If i didn't call you, you'd never tell me about it." - he said.

"Sorry. I don't wanna make you more stress, jagiya." - i said. He let out a sigh.

"Have you eaten your medicine?" - he asked.

"Eo, i have." - i said.

"Sorry, i can't take care of you while you're sick." - he said.

"It's okay. I have Tasha unnie." - i said.

"How's my soon to debut idol doing? Is he training well?" - i asked. He chuckled. I smiled.

"I'm doing well, jagiya. Don't worry about me." - he said.

"I miss you." - he said. I blushed a little.

"Me too."

"I'll meet you when I'm free okay, dear?" - he asked. I smiled, nodding.


"I gotta go now. Rest well. Call me if anything happens. I love you, Shim Irene." - he said, sweetly. My heart fluttered.

"Bye~ i love you too, Park Jimin." - i said, smiling to myself. He let out a giggle and ended the call. I put my phone away, and continue eating. When I'm done, i drank water and lay down, as i feel sleepy. Then falling asleep.

7 pm...

I've showered, had dinner, now I'm doing some revision for school. I heard a knock on my door. It opens and it was eomma. She gave me a smile. I smiled back. She walk to me, sitting on my bed, next to me.

"How are you feeling?" - she asked.

"The same. But a little better." - i answered. She nodded.

"Have you eaten your medicine?" - she asked. I shook my head.

"Later on. Let me finish revising first." - i said.

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