Reason 1

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Good morning or afternoon my love. Reason one why I love you, your smile. There's only one word to describe your smile, beautiful. Beautiful, so so beautiful. Whenever you smile, you always make my heart flutter. You've always said that you hate your smile, that's one thing I never understood. How could someone so beautiful hate something about them that so many people love. Your smile is so contagious, I've never met someone who just by smiling can make me feel like the luckiest person in the world. You do that to me Lila. You make me smile, even in my darkest moments. Your smile is so perfect and I know you think differently. But it is, it's so beautiful, from your perfectly straight teeth to the way your eyes crinkle whenever you smile. Even in the hardest times you always seem to have a smile on your face. And I know it hasn't always been the easiest of times together, especially because of all the hate you've been receiving because of me lately. But you always smile and tell me it's ok even though you and I both know it's not. But still you smile. I could go on and on about how your smile makes my heart melt and that it makes me feel tingly inside. But I will end this reason here. Only 29 days until I see you again.

Love you forever,


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