I. Happy Mother's Day~!

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Mother's day was quickly approaching. Both of your sons, Luciano and his older twin brother Flavio, wanted to do something special for you this year.

Flavio has spent the last few months making you the best dress he could. Though he was just eleven, you were a fashion designer yourself and have been teaching him everything he knows since he was much smaller. He was always interested in your work and was a fast learner. He really had a gift at it.

Luciano was never too interested in any of it. Though he loved you as his mother, he didn't feel as if he connected with you like Flavio did. He didn't have any special talents like you guys. He didn't feel as if he fit in very well.

Nevertheless, he wanted to do something for you for Mother's day as well. The only way he could see himself doing something for you however, was by buying something, but like most eleven year olds, he was broke. The money wasn't going to stop him from giving you something for mother's day though. He just had to figure out how to get it.

The next morning, You helped the boys prepare for school. You always liked to keep them fashionable, sometimes in one of a kind things that you'd make specifically for them considering your clothing line didn't sell to kids. You were always so proud at how well they wore your clothes. They looked adorable.

You handed them both their backpack then directed them off to the car. Driving them to and from school was one of your favorite things considering you didn't have too much free time to spend with them.

You pulled up in front of the fairly large and prestigious school. Though it was just a public school, it was zoned for richer neighborhoods so it was very nice. You were going to just send your boys off to private school, but this one was already so close and had such nice reviews.

The two got out the car and waved to you as you excitedly waved back before they disappeared off into the crowd of other kids.

When the two brothers got inside, they walked together to get to their lockers which were adjacent to one another, coincidentally.

"Hey, Flavio! How's mom's dress coming along?!" Flavio spoke out loud. "It's going great! Thanks for asking!"

"I didn't ask."

"I even made it mom's favorite color, but you know, it's not like overbearing or anything. Real subtle, and totally right for spring, ya know? But, it is going to be summer time soon, so I had to think of how to make it a cool little summer dress too! I mean like, seriously! I'm mixing seasons here, but of course I can do it!"

"Oh, my god! Like really?! Shut the fuck up!"

"Well, excuse you, Luci!"

"Stop calling me that!"

Flavio stuck his nose in the air and walked ahead of him a little, "Luci. You're bi-polar is showing."

"Fuck you!"

Flavio laughed some under his breath before walking back to him. "You know, you could help me with it, if you want. It can be from both of us!"

"No, thanks. I already know what I'm getting mom."

"You're getting her something?"


"With what money?!"

"Don't worry about that."

"Luci, that makes me worried."

"Stop...calling me that."

Flavio threw his arm over his younger brother's shoulders as they approached their lockers. As they both were searching for different books, since they had different classes first period, a familiar and excited voice yelled, "Hey, guys!"

Mother's Day [2p!Italy x Mom!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now