I'll Put You down

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Sarah's POV

It's the first day of senior year and boy has been a long summer. I've been thinking about what I'm gonna say to Jason. I love you. Lets get married. Shit is that to much. I went down stairs and my mom had made french toast my favorite.

"Good morning, sweetheart."

"Mornin' Mom."

"There's extra brown sugar in the the coffee just how you like it."

"Thanks, Mom."

"Have a good first day!"

"Bye, Mom."

I gave her a kiss and then walked to the bus stop. The stop is just across the street from my house so I can still see Jason's house as well.  Suddenly a beautiful Black Triumph Bonneville T100 just pulled in to Jason's driveway. A really tall and buff guy with black hair and gorgeous bright green eyes was on it.

"He's Perfect."

I said aloud then looked around hoping no one heard me. Suddenly I realized that was Jasper! He turned around , saw me staring and waved. I raised my hand to wave but as soon as I did the bus drove by and stop. I got in the bus and sat down. I went to wave at Jasper when I sat down, but he was gone.

When I got to school I saw Jason with his beautiful brown eyes and blond hair. Jason is the only person I know who can make the bieber flip look hot. I had to stare straight ahead to not run over there and tell him I love him. Maybe i'll go see Elena. Elena is my best friend in the whole world. Elena, Jason, Jasper and I have been hanging out since we were little. I was gonna marry Jason and she's gonna marry Jasper. Even thought Jasper was a year older than us and a big bully he would torment me. One time I was in a tree and he scared me. I fell and broke my arm. There is Elena.

"Hey, Elena. I missed you so much."

"What the hell do you want?"

"Excuse me."

"Why are you talking to me?"

"Because we are supposed to be best friends. What is going on with you?"

"You and me! Best friends! That's hilarious!"

Her and everyone else around us started laughing. Then Jason walked up. He hadn't heard anything that just happened!

"Hey babe! Why is everyone laughing?"

Babe is he calling me babe. I thought nervously.

"I don't know, but I'm happy to see you."

Elena said. What the hell is happening. I scream in my head. Then they kissed. I can't believe my eyes. Elena is my best friend or she was. She knows how I feel about Jason.

"Sarah, I didn't see you there. How was your summer?"

I stood there. My palms were sweating. I was scare to open my mouth.

"Ummm... good...I umm....guess."

That was all I could get out. He's been my friend for years.

"So you and Elena are dating? How did that happen? I mean have you been dating all summer?"

"No we started dating on July...


Elena interrupted with a smirk on her face.

"Elena, Can I talk to you over there please?"


I dragged her to the corner.

"Elena! What the hell is going on? When did you start liking Jason? Why didn't you text me back after the party? Why are you being like this?" I asked with tear forming in my eyes.

"I've always liked Jason. You just assumed I wanted John because you thought Jason and you were meant to be together. So at the party after you left I took my chance and turns out he liked me and not you all along." She said that last part with a big grin on her face.

"Why are you being so mean? Why did you just tell me you liked him?" I said fighting back my tears.

"Because unlike you I don't go blabbing my business is everyone who says "hello." Said with an ice cold tone.

"You were the only one who knew about my crush on Jason cause you are my best friend." I said no longer being able to hold back the crying.

"Aw. Well I guess you were wrong about two things." She laughed and walked back over to Jason and kissed him. She was practically swallowing his face.

I was feeling so many emotions that I didn't know what to do so I just ran out of the school and towards home. By the time I got to my
street I could hardly see because of all the crying. Then I crashed into something very firm and fell.

"Yikes RaRa! Try to watch where you're going!" A slightly smug sounding voice said.

Sorry It's so short I will make the next one longer. <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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