💞 Chapter one 💞

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I let out a moan of ecstasy as I enter the cold dance studio, letting the freezing air hit my pale skin. "Hot day is it?" I heard a voice say, causing my heart to flutter, just like every time that I hear that voice. That voice could make my heart flutter and make me smile on the worst of days "Uhh, yea. I mean, it is august after all" I awkwardly state with a light laugh as I sit down and prepare to put on my dance shoes. "Good point" he chuckles, causing me to blush and smile a bit wider. God I could listen to his laugh all day.

As I put on my Pointe shoes, I glance up at him from time to time, taking in his features. His wavy, short blonde hair, his cute face with slight sprinkles of acne, his cute crinkly eyed smile that always lights up my day, and even his light pink plump lips that are perfectly kissable. Before he looks up, I look back down, focusing on the task. "So, are you excited for the recital??" He asks once he's done tying his shoes on. I smile and nod "A bit nervous as expected, but excited" I say with a light giggle. "You?" I add, looking into his ocean eyes that I could find myself getting lost in. "You will do fine, and I'm excited as well. I'm proud of how far we have come" he smiles, causing me to blush and nervously look down. Before he could say something our dance teacher bursts in and smiles at us and asks " are you two ready??" To which we exchange looks, but nod and walk into the dance classroom with the rest of the class.

As class went on, I couldn't help but to glance and watch the handsome boy that I have fallen head over heels for dance so smoothly. The way he swayed his hips to the beat, how his arms moved in perfect sync. It was amazing. Once class ended and I was putting on my flip flops, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I look up, only to blush in a flustered manor to see that it was him. "Great job at practice today" he winked, causing me to blush even deeper and look down before getting the courage to look into his eyes again "t-thanks...you as well" I smile. I felt the butterflies flutter yet again in my stomach and as a wide smile appeared on his face. I took in his features yet again,and even though he is sweaty and breathless from a long and hard dance practice, he still looked so handsome and perfect to me.

As people started to leave the dance studio, including me, I felt a finger tap me on the shoulder again. I turn, only to find the handsome man staring at me, causing my breath to hitch in my throats at how close we were. "Uh, I actually have a question for you" he stated, his voice sending shivers down my spine, even if he had just said a simple phrase. I nodded my head, signaling him to ask his question. "is there something...wrong? You seem very nervous the last couple weeks  and I just wanted to check and see if everything was okay" he asked, concern lacing his calming voice. I mentally curse at how kind and caring he is before shaking my head. "E-Everything is great" I smile sheepishly, internally groaning at the fact that I stuttered.

He raised a suspicious eyebrow and continued to look at me, causing a bright pick blush to grow on my pale skin. "You normally don't stutter, and you always seem red in the face when I see you...but I won't push it" he said with a slight smile, causing me to sigh and smile back. "Well, I'll see you next week" he winks, letting his arm linger on my arm before walking away. God, what is man doing to me

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