Things to do when you're grounded or bored! (mostly for teen girls)

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1. paint your nails

2. write a story 

3. read a book

4. pamper yourself (paint nails, do a face mask, take a hot bath with candles, deep condition your hair)

5. clean your room, then you have it nice and clean to do whatever you want

6. reorganize things. (your closet, drawers, bookshelves, pantry, bathroom)

7. redecorate

8. write each of your friends cute papers saying how much they all mean to you

9. watch a series on netflix if your allowed to. (i reccomend dexter, its my favorite.)

10. learn how to do something. (a new braid, how to draw something, a language)

11. go on pinterest and find some cool crafts to do.

12. wash your clothes 

13. take a nap

14. organize your schoolwork.

15. open your window. (if its cold, you can cuddle up with a blanket, if its warm, you can turn on your fan and feel like you're outside.)

16. if you have a housephone you can use, or yours which is even better, prank call & make notes of the numbers, who it was, and how long they stayed on the phone, so you can prank call them next time!

17. like i'm doing right now, make a list of things you can do when you finsh your list.

18.  make an 8tracks playlist of all your favorite songs.

19. make an "instrument" out of crap you find around the house!

20. if you're religious, read your bible. i like to read revelations and try to decode it.

21. don't hate your parents for grounding you, you did something to make them do it! and if you didn't, angrily write why its unfair and then burn the note.

22. read conspiracy theorys. if your in the US, try 9-11. my cousin passed away in it, and the theorys that the government did it are super interesting,

leave comments of what you did, or things that i can add :)

i hope you get ungrounded soon! but alone time can be nice sometimes. i'm grounded during spring break while all my friends are at the beach. If you are too, I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2014 ⏰

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Things to do when you're grounded or bored! (mostly for teen girls)Where stories live. Discover now