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"You don't and you never will understand!" My blood boils as it makes its way through my veins. They don't care where I go, they have never cared at all.

I grip my cold shoulders in attempt to keep warm, my skin is colder than ice, I feel my muscles tensing up under my skin. I can no longer feel my face, feet or hands or legs This was such a bad idea, I think to myself but I'd rather die than go back there I think again. "Well that's what's going to happen if I don't find somewhere to go sometime soon." I say aloud to myself, knowing no one will be around. Nobody is crazy enough to go out in this weather.

I'm at least 10 blocks away from my house now, so I take a seat on a nearby fence. I don't even remember the walk here; I was too furious to take in any of my surroundings. I hear a door creak open then slam shut, footsteps not long after. I don't dare look up, I don't want to face anyone right now, I just want to be alone. Maybe if I ignore them they'll go away.

"What the hell are you doing out here?" The unfamiliar voice asks. I tell myself not to look up but my body denies my request and I'm now facing a man who is probably in his late 20's, bleach blonde locks and bright blue eyes.

"u-uh well it's a v-very long story." I stutter, in this state I'm barely able to talk at all.

He gives me a look of unsureness, "I've got all day, plus you must be freezing! Come inside." He extends his hand for me to grab hold of, I place my shaking hand into his warm one. "I'm Noah by the way."

I smile, "And I'm Elina."

He leads me inside, and as soon as I walk through the door I am engulfed in warm air, defrosting my frozen fingers and toes, bringing heat back into my body. I let out a satisfied hum, a smile plastered onto my face.

I look up and I am greeted with a kind smile, I try my best to give him a sincere smile in return but all I can give is a half-smile, unsure on how I'm feeling right now. He stands up and bends over to add some wood onto the fire, as he is doing this he turns and says, "So tell me, why were you sitting outside all alone in this weather?"

I open my mouth, as if to start speaking but nothing comes out, I hear him clear his throat, waiting for my answer. I hesitate again, but then the words finally surface to my tongue, ready to come flowing out. "Well, it all started this morning. My parents decided they wanted to tell me that we would be moving to a whole other country, I'm not too fond of that idea. So long story short, we got into a fight, and I left. I don't care anymore, neither do they if they just want to ship me off to another country!" The words come out all too quickly, barely audible, but he seems to catch on.

"I see where you're coming from, but maybe they were just doing it for your sake, maybe they thought you'd lead a better life where they were planning to go." He doesn't know that they were only doing it for themselves, they're selfish, if they could leave me behind, they would take that chance in a heartbeat.

"Yeah, maybe you're right. But I refuse to go back there." I laugh it off as if it's some kind of joke, my half smile shrinking as every second passes by. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2017 ⏰

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