The Box

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What your about to read  in this book is pure horror, it's not for the weak of heart.  It might cause nightmare or paranoia, read at your own risk. It's going to be rated R because I don't want some douche to report me. Well some of it will be, I'll try my best to make it good.

Every story you read here is all based off an urban leagues or creepy tale from the internet. All with my own added twist. Some you may have heard of and other completely new to you. Either way I hope you enjoy my attempt at writing.

This is stupid and a waste of time, going to garage sale. why would I want someone's else junk? They don't want it, why would I want it either? No I have to spend my Saturday morning going through junk just because my mother wants me too.

God why couldn't she just come herself, the odds of me finding what she wants are very slim. Like I know exactly how the china tea set looks like. I don't even understand why it's so important for her to have this anyway.

To make things worse, its cold and my jacket isn't keeping me very warm at the moment.

"Can I help you find something?" an old lady asked me, great now I can get out of here faster.

"Yes I am looking for blue pattern china tea set," I told her as I handed her the picture my mom gave me. she looked at it and handed it back to me.

"Yes I had one of those but I just sold it, I'm sorry."

Great now she was just going to send me to another one next weekend. "Well thanks anyway," I put the photo back in my pocket and started to walk away.

"Wait, I know someone that has one just like that." I stopped as the lady spoke.

"Are they selling it too?"

"No," ugh really lady why are you wasting m time with this? "But if you go there and make a offer, she might sell it to you."

"Where does she live?" the lady took out a pen and a small notepad from her pocket. she wrote the address down and handed me the paper. "Well thanks," I looked at the paper as I walked down the sidewalk. I knew the address, everyone in town knew this place. Great I was about to just bother the meanest person in town.

I walked up to the gate and pushed it opened. the yard covered in junk and overgrown plants. Just the kind of house that you see in horror movies. I knocked on the door and waited for her to answer the door.

"What do you want," she yelled behind the closed door.

"I was told you had blue pattern china tea set."

"It's not for sale, now leave before I make you regret ever showing up on my doorstep." Ugh should have known it was going to be a waste of time. I walked off the porch, but stopped when something shiny caught my eye. I looked back, but didn't see anyone at the window.

I walked over to, it was a small wooden chest with a brass latch. I looked back to the window and still didn't see anything, I looked around to make sure no one was around. I put it in my jacket and walked out of the yard, there was something about this chest and I had to find out.

I sat in my room looking at the chest all night, a part of me didn't want to open it but the part just had too. I pressed the latch and it opened, all there was a piece of paper. I picked it up, 'Write a name, any name and put it in the chest.' I read it again, what happens when you put it in the chest?

Curiosity was eating at me, I had to know what would happen. I wrote down my neighbors dogs name and put it in the chest. nothing happened, I could still hear him barking. Great this is just a useless chest. I tossed it to the foot of my bed, ugh what a waste.

the next morning I woke up to a blood curdling  scream, I run to my window to see my neighbor looking at reddish brown mass on the floor. I ran downstairs to see what was going on, as soon as I walked out I heard my neighbor say that is how she found Rex, her dog.

I felt my blood run cold, I had done that I was responsible for Rex's death. I went back to my room and picked up the chest. I opened it and the paper with Rex's name was still there, I picked it up and looked t it. it had to be some kind of fluke, no way this was real.

I thought about the kid that likes to bully me at school, would it work on him, but was I really going to write his name and put it in the chest? I ripped off a piece of paper and wrote his name down, lets see if this really works.

The next morning at school, we get told that he was killed in a car crash. as soon as I heard that I felt sick to my stomach, the chest really does work but I could never use it again. the guilt of all this ate away at me. I tried to forget about the chest, tried to forget about what I did and after a few weeks I did until I came home from school one day.

my mom was in the living room and the chest was on the coffee table. shocked to see it there, all I could hope was that she hadn't used it. "Mom what are you doing with that?" I finally asked her.

"Oh I found it in your room and I just thought it would be perfect."

"Perfect for what?"

"Perfect for secret Santa, everyone at the company loved it!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2014 ⏰

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