Love me, Hate me

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Hey guys! Ok so before we start the chapter,I would just like to state that this is my first story. I apologise if my vocabulary/grammar is incorrect. I'm personally lazy and never bother to fix my mistakes xD so hopefully you'll understand me. Enjoy the chapter!

      Love me, hate me

"Marinette! Your going to be late for school!" I slowly wake up to my mothers voice. I wipe my eyes and get out of my bed. "Good morning Marinette!" Tikki says, glaring at me smiling. "Good morning Tik- *checks the time* OH NO! IM GOING TO BE LATE!" I rush to my drawers to put my clothes on. I quickly do my hair into a ponytail since I don't have time to put my hair into two ponytails, and I run down stairs.

"There's my princess! Here! Have some of these fresh baked Croissants that just came out of the oven for lunch!" Papa hugs me and kisses me on the cheek, "thanks papa!" I say goodbye to my parents and quickly rush to school.

Arrives at school
*rushes in class*
"UH- I UHM- I HAD TO GO- THE UHM-TO THE DOCTORS.. ERM - COUGH COUGH" i quickly run to my table and sit in my chair near Alya. "Girl! Where have you been?!" Alya taps me and whispers glaring at me annoyed. "You know me! I... slept in.." i whisper to alya and get caught. "Marinette, why are you talking! Swap sweats with Nino!" The teacher points angrily. Great, now I'm forced to sit near MY Adrien- WAIT- I- I GET TO- JDJDJJDJ I GET TO SIT NEAR MY ADRIEN!! THIS IS A DREAM! WAIT- NO- IM DREAMING RIGHT? THIS CANT BE HAPPENING? Nope.. JDJJSJS BUT STILL- WHAT IF IT IS! "MY SWEET ADRIEN!" I scream not realising that I said that out loud. Everyone glares at me, wondering why I just said that... WOW! THIS CANT BE HAPPENING! UGH SHJDJ "I MEAN! - UH.. - Yes miss!" I quickly pack my stuff up and move to the table near Adrien. "Great job marinette" tikki quietly whispers, popping out of my bag. "Shut up!" I quickly push her back into my bag. I stare at the teacher pretending that I'm listening, although I'm really not. All that I can hear that's coming out of her mouth is BLAH BLAH BLAH,YIBBA YABBA DO- "marinette, can you answer that please?" I hear the teacher say and I awkwardly start to high under my desk. "Marinette?"  GREAT! WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME SHE PICKS ON? LITERALLY! JUST WHY! WHY ME? "Uhm... I don't- I don't know..?" I see Adrien glare at me and I begin to stare at him. His eyes are so dreamy and beautiful. If only I could speak in front of him without messing up 😒 he begins to look away and the teacher begins to talk crap again. I have no idea what she's saying, and I don't care. all that's on my mind is Adrien. I feel his eyes on me and I begin to glare at him again. he's so amazing.. he's definitely not like me. I'm just a clumsy girl with piggy tails. What could he possibly see in me?

Bell Rings

Finally that boring, worthless class is over. Now I can finally think about Adrien even more! I walk out of the classroom with alya. We walk to the cafe across the road to grab something to eat before our next class starts. "Mari.. I saw you staring at Adrien in class" alya giggles "why don't you just tell him!" I thrown.. "alya.. I can't.. I'm worthless, I'm clumsy.. he'll never love me, so what's the point? If only.." i know there is no future for me and Adrien.. so I should just give up on him. Alya stops me from walking and hugs me, "you are much more than clumsy"

Ok I'm literally to lazy to write more IM SOWWYYYYY :( but I will continue making more chapters! Of course. I was lazy today so I didn't add any ships or anything into this chapter but I promise it will become more entertaining (when I'm not lazy) 😴🤤

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Uploaded on the 20th of may, 2017

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2017 ⏰

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