Chapter 1 ----

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A white haired girl walked towards the other little kids. The 4 year old girl stood in front of the group and shyly asked "C-can I play t-too?"

The kids stopped playing and looked at her. Then a kid came out of the group of kids. 'I guess that's their leader,' she thought. He went towards her a little and pushed her. The little girl felled down and cried in pain. "You can never play with us," he said.

"W-why..?" She asked quietly. The little boy came to her and carried her by her collar and answered. "Why? Because your weird! You have red eyes! AND bloody red eyes if I may add!!" He shouted while pushing her down again. They then left her alone to play somewhere else. "Why.. why me..?" She whispered.


Hi,my name is Chi. I have been a serial killer since I was a small kid.

So everyday I go out and lure my bullies into a trap. Sometimes I go kill other people too. Of course it was super easy. For example; the girls, just trick them pretending that your rich and you're a popular person from overseas. And guys... you know.. Well they don't really remember me and they think I'm cuh-yut and all. Not that way, you dirty minded baka!

Anyway enough of me. I was just awoken by the sound of the alarm clock. I hit the top of it to stop but it didn't. So I tried again but it didn't stop. So I took my knife and threw it at the clock. It finally stop. Peace and quiet... ok maybe I have something to say about that, whoops.

So I did my morning routine and make my breakfast. Which is toast with butter. I got too lazy to make something good.

I was wearing a white long sleeves blouse and a black skirt. With some knee length high white socks. I went out to go for a walk (and to find more of my bullies) so I wore my shoes and went out. But then I went back inside because I forgot my cap. The reason I wear a cap is because I don't want anyone to know I have bloody red eyes and anyone to recognise me.

I kept walking and walking but I still can't find any of them!! 'Tsk where are those bakas!' I thought. I sat down at a bench nearby and sighed.

I closed my eyes and relaxed a bit. Then someone came to sit next to me. I opened one eye to see who it was.

It was a little girl with short brown hair wearing a white dress with flower patterns. She was also closing her eyes.

She looks about what? Four years old? She seemed so relaxed like nothing bad is going to happen. Her cheeks were really rosy. Did her mother did that or did she did that?

She then open her eyes and noticed me. She smiled sweetly like I really mean it really. "Kanichiwa! My name is Mizuki!" She said while standing up from her seat and bowed then took out her hand for me to shake. "What's your, Miss?" She asked. I closed back my eyes. "None of your business," I scoffed. She looked a bit hurt but kept on smiling.

"If you don't tell me then I will...." "You will what? Your only a little girl." "TICKLE YOU!!!" She said while trying to tickle me. I didn't do anything because she can never find my tickle spot.

But then....


She fricking found it!!!

I tried to hold it in but she then realise that so she tickled me even more. How brave is this kid to tickle a stranger?!

I then began to laugh. I told her to stop and stop. But did she listen noo.. "Not unless you tell me your name," she said while giggling. You must be thinking like 'Your a freaking phycopath! Do your thingys!'

Well the thing is, I can't do it in public, baka. They'll know it's me that's been going on a killing spree. Then I'd go to jail. Do I want that? No, no I don't. I tried standing up but I was too weak from laughing. (That moment when you laugh too much and get weak to do anything. Totally me.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2018 ⏰

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