You hide and I'll seek, I'll find and you'll weep. Be careful not to fall asleep because when I come for you you'd better hide in the sheets. Hey I'm Octavia. I'm 17 I live in Denver Colorado my sister Jocelyn and I were born in Mexico. I live with my dad who loves to play games like "hide and seek", "tag" and much much more. I've always been a big little kid, my sister Jocelyn is 14 and her room is right next to mine. The key to winning hide and seek is to be in plain sight because they automatically go for the hard spots. But remember to never be to obvious or you could die. That seems a little harsh but that's why there's only 3 in the family, because the others were killed. We're not a murderous family we just like to have a bit of a challenge with our games. Don't underestimate how far we will go to win. If I hide in a certain spot every time and I find you in it, I am aloud to kill you. Out of all the games we have played this is my favorite. Since you now know the rules of hide and seek, let me tell you the rules of tag. The way tag works is if I catch you and I tag you I kill you. The game is actually a lot of fun if you can run fast if you can't then it's actually very scary. My pregnant mom lost that game because she couldn't run considering she was 9 months, I wasn't sad that she died I let's say relieved. She would always nag my dad about teaching us such horrendous games, so I had to put an end to it. I'm a track star for crying out loud I never lose these games. I created the game "it" it is a game that is a mixture of hide and seek and tag. If I see you hiding I yell "it" and you have to chase who ever yelled it. But just because you think they yelled "it" doesn't mean it was them. Let's say my sister yells it, my dad chases me and because he chose the wrong person Jocelyn gets to kill him. So that is the game we will be playing today.
"Hey dad! You ready to play it with me and Jocelyn?"
"Just a second honey I'm getting the weapons ready"
"Alright dad we'll be waiting"10 mins later
"Everyone knows the rules, begin"
So today I brought over my friends Ivy and Lily. They know the rules and they better watch out because my dad doesn't like cheaters, liars, or quitters. So I'm about to text them and warn them just so they know. My dad is the person so I'm going to yell "it" and have him chase Lily so I can kill him.
"I've got you know Lily!!!"
"No you don't sucka it was me time to say goodbye"I yelled at my dad as I struck him in the head with an axe