Finding Love the Hard Way

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Its 20 below 0, its snowing, wind blowing, and she ran with some riped up jeans and a small sweat shirt on. She didn't know where she's going she just run's and run's. She stops at a rode and she sits down. She cant feel anything her lips are chaped and she has broses, cuts and blood on her face.

She sits there on the side of the rode for a few minents. A big pick up truck pulls over, a young man gets out. He had black hair, cowboy boots on and he was yelling.

"Hey miss what are you doing out here? Its freezing out here".

He helps her get in the truck and he gets in. He gave her his jacket and asked

"What are you doing out here?"

She whisper

"I ran away from home and where are we going?"

"Back to my place" he says

"Ok" she whipers closeing her eyes.

They get to his house and he wakes her up.

"We are here miss"

They get out and he takes her inside.

"Here make yourself at home, I'll be back to help you clean all the blood off your face"

He goes and gets a rag, band aids, and alcohol. He gets a chair and sits it beside the sink in the kitchen and sits her on it. He gets the reg wet with worm water and puts it on her forhead. She looks into his eyes and smiles.

Laughing "what are you looking at?"

Smiles "your eyes"

"My eyes? He asked

"Yea I like your eye"

"Mmmm you like blue eyes"? "Yea I love them on tall, black hair, country accent, country boy. I think there cute"

Looks at him and smiles and he smiles back. He finishes up and gave here a shirt and some shorts to sleep in.

The next morning she goes to the kitchen to find him there.

"Hey I never got your name"

"Oh my name is Blake and I never got your name cutie"


"That is a pretty name I like it"

"Thinks" and smiles at him.

He cooks breakfast for both of them and he looks out the windows

"Well looks like im not going anywhere today. You mind staying here watching movies or something?

"Sure I dont care whatever sounds good" Elizabeth said

He looks out the windows looking at the snow that was on the ground and still comeing down.

"So what kinda movie you wanna watch"?

"What movies you got?

"I got this one and this one and that one and all of these pick one out" he says

"Mmmm can we watch n this one?


He puts it in and makes popcorn. Popcore gets done they sit on the couch and watch's the movie. He gets some popcorn, she gets some popcore than they get some at the same time and there hand touches. They both say sorry and smiles. They do it agina. They look at the tv and there eyes glances at each other. He put his hand and down, so does she, she moves her hand closer, so does he. They finaly hold hand, she smiles, he looks at her and she looks at him and he kisses her on the lips. They kiss for a while and she lays down and falls asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2014 ⏰

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