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"You are kidding me there is no way am gonna look for that thing" yelled June.
"Am not asking you Ms.Carter am telling you,now go and do your job as you're told" the masked man at the top of the wooden table said with a disdained voice.
"OK" she sighed.
As she sat there she began to think about two years ago when she had to do double shifts as a waitress just to pay the bills compared to now when she got paid a lot more than then,maybe she should be a little more grateful .
"So if you're finished staring off into space you can take yourself out of my office. We have nothing more to discuss"
With the grazing of her chair on the tiled floor she left.
June Carter wouldn't classify herself as beautiful but she wasn't the ugliest duckling,why couldn't he treat her like how he treats Mia.
Her thoughts were then interrupted by the silky voice  obviously belonging to a businessman,couldn't she be more wrong.
"Hey beautiful, mind if I slap you on your sweet..." wham he heard as he was about to complete his sentence. Damn didn't she know how to throw a punch.
"You disgusting pig!You don't just meet someone and say that,haven't you got any manners" she hissed obviously disgusted by his actions.
"Back off wildcat I was just complimenting you"
And with the hissing of her teeth she walked away before she had to kick him in his groin.
"Mom am home!"
"Oh honey, how was work today?" asked her mother. Even with her wrinkles and the dark bags under her eyes she was still beautiful,a tall,slim lady with the greenest eyes placed upon a heart-shaped face. Why could n't she take off her mother instead she took off her father,short with hazel eyes and chestnut hair there was nothing special about her she sighed.
"Good mom, the same as everyday" she answered as she hurried to her room.
Something was amiss when she entered her room but she couldn't place what was wrong.
"Place your hands where I can see them" said a strangely familiar voice.
Oh not again she thought.
"Am gonna repeat one more time put your..."
"...hand where I can see them" she ended rather boldly.
"Ain't you got a mouth on you,little wildfire"
There was the voice again,something in that sentence sounded familiar.
"Hey I remember you you're the jerk that harassed me"
"Took you long enough to figure that out. For someone in your field you are very slow and I didn't harass you I was just touching your sweet ass without your permission."
"Just tell me what you want and get over with it!"
"Its simple the thing you were sent to find just bring it to me and all will be well"
"'OK' Miss Carter am not the person you would want to double cross with,so just keep in mind I know where you live and I know who your mom is and everyone you care about so think twice before doing anything stupid"
And with that last threat he ran across the room and escaped through the window.
She then heard her mother calling her but her stomach was in knots she couldn't sit and eat knowing that everything was not alright her life was confusing sometimes.

The next day was the same as all other days but a certain silk-like voice was haunting her thoughts. Why couldn't she get him out of her mind? Well, sure he's handsome and those arms... Wait where were her thoughts going. She was then interrupted by the sudden beeping of her phone.

You will have an assistant while you're searching for 'x' we'll call it that for it sounds cool. Now be on your best behavior and he'll arrive here any second now. So smile and don't disappoint me.

He must be going mad he knows that she works alone. What assistant. That big-headed pig of a boss. Just as she thought that she heard a knocking on her door.

"What the hell do you want now you ass don't you see am doing research for your stupid expedition. You should be glad this pain in the rear job pays or you would have to kiss my ass to not quit. Now tell me what you want and then take your ass and get out of here."
"What do you waa...Wh-what are you doing here?"
"Still a fiery one I see glad to know you haven't changed "
"I hate you and I have not forgive you for what you did"
Suddenly the look on his face grew dark and his green-grey eyes held disappointment, anger and... regret.
"I told you I was sorry God it was just a stupid touch for pete's sake aren't you a big girl. You must have been touched before and we're both adults we know what happens in the bedroom," he said ending with a wink.

And just as he said that he was around her desk holding her in his hands.

Yes.. Yes bitch that's it go nice easy. WHAP . I said nice and easy are you gonna bite this off. Don't you like it bitch ? Aaaaaah... and with that disgusting sound he came like a heavy shower of rain.

Well readers this is the first  chapter of this story. Make you want to sit at the edge of your seats yet. Well like this story and follow me and give me some encouragement please.

And to all my lovely readers a big hug and lots of kisses.

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