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"Kristen run!! I'll hold them off.."
"No mommy, I wanna stay and help you too....i-ii can fight"
"JUST GO...NOW....ill be alright.. I promise sweetheart"
With that the little girl left running down a sloop and into a nearby residential area.
*Bam Bam Bam*
"NNOOOO, Mommy!!!"

"Aahhhhh!..... Shit just another bad dream huh...". She plunged back into her pillows and rubbed her eyes. Looking around she noticed she's still in a nightmare....she wasn't with her mom, couldn't anyway. She lived in St Anna's Home for Lost Children, a foster home that housed atleast 10 other kids, her being the oldest at 17. It's been 10 years since she lost her mom and arrived on Nurse Rose's doorstop and she's never been adopted yet. It'd not like she doesn't want to but she is strange..

Kristens POV
I had another nightmare, when will they stop. I throw my feet over the side of the bed and walk to my mirror. Staring at my reflection I'm reminded of the way I used to wake up at the facility. Me and my mom lived there because..well we weren't normal. My mom had complete control over the elements and was also super strong, while I only knew how to manipulate water. I don't know how we got these gifts but my mom never liked to talk about it. I conjured a palm full of water into my hands and wash my face. I get ready for the day and then sit by my mirror to fix my hair. Suddenly Nurse Rose comes into my room and sits on the bed. "You are one beautiful child you know that and I thank God that nobody takes you from me." she says sweetly. I sit on the bed next to her and lay my head on her shoulder. "You know the real reason nobody picks me is because they're terrified of me..i hear the rumors the other staff says about me". Nurse Rose is the only one that knows my secret and occasionally keeps the government off my trail. "Don't say stuff like that, everybody here loves you." she added. "I know YOU love me Nurse Rose.". Standing to my feet we both leave the room and go in front. This was the time of day when potential parents would watch the kids as they play and choose who they wanted. Something like a pet shop right, except the cages. Well I didn't care, nobody ever came up to me, or tried talking to me. It's been this way since I came here, all I see are worried stares and questioning eyes, it's annoying.
I sit to an empty desk and wait as the viewing process was over. Strangely a woman walks over to me and asks me my name, I've seen her before, she came here a couple of times to talk to Nurse Rose. "Hi, I'm Laura Smith. It's nice to meet you." she said politely to me. ".....Do you mean me?" I asked her. "Of course I mean you, why are sitting her alone? Such a beautiful young lady should be very popular in here." I didn't who this woman was but why was she being so nice. Nobody's ever been nice to me, not like this. Everybody's normally scared of me but she wasn't. "Well, I'm not popular at all here, quite the opposite actually.", the lady laughed and sat down. We sat and talked for hours, she was looking for a child to adopt but not a small one. She mentioned that she also had a son around my age and that we would make good company. "You see my job requires me to leave home alot and I would love for someone to be there with him, I know it sounds like babysitting but....he needs a real friend." she explained to me. I was excited and got to know so much about her.....we really hit it off. I returned to my room smiling, something I rarely did. I said my final goodbyes and went to bed.

The next day I was in great spirits, Ms. Smith was coming to visit and I couldn't wait. After getting cleaned and dressed up I waited for the viewing process to start and eagerly awaited her to come. "Somebody's in a happy mood this morning," Nurse Rose says walking over to me. "Yes I am," I smile brightly at her,"You know that woman who I was talking to she said that she was coming to visit again. Do you think she'll adopt me?" I say way to excitedly. "I mean....i still don't really..care but.." I try to say nonchalantly. Nurse Rose almost feel out of chair laughing at me. "Well so what I'm a little excited." "Well good news will be with you soon." What did that mean? Anyway I waited, and waited and waited....but she never showed up. After all of that stuff she told me, I should've known it was to good to be true. It was now 6 o clock and now completely disappointed I returned to my room.
I throw myself into the bed and curl up in a ball. Why would someone that nice what me anyway. She might have heard the rumors of me and decided to stay away....i hated my life. As my depression grew, the temperature dropped. My room became cold as frost seeped through my skin. The windows froze up and soon the whole building was getting colder. Nurse Rose ran into my room as she noticed the sudden drop of temperature. Seeing me on the bed crying she laid down next to me. And touched my freezing skin, she hugged me and sang to me......

And I calmed down and soon fell asleep.

The next day came sooner than I thought. I woke up feeling like I got hit with a truck. I hated when my powers got out of hand, it always makes me feel weak and fatigued afterwards. I rolled over to go back sleep but was interupted by frenzied knocks on my door. "WHO IS IT?" Before I could get up Nurse Rose ran into the room clearly excited for some reason. I groggly sit up and ask what's up. "Well remember the lady that was talking to you.....shes back and she wants to see you!!" Hearing that I hopped out of bed but ended up falling to the floor. I got up and jumped in the shower. "Tell her I'll be out in a second...". Laughing Nurse Rose left for the front. What was I gonna wear! I skimmed through my closet and saw my pink floral dress. It wasn't to flashy and plus it looked great on me. I go for that and speed to the front area. I stood in the arch way and looked for her but didn't see her. I did see a boy around my age though....unless this is her son...i try to hide but end up tripping on the plant.

Kora's POV
"Hey mom, why are we going to the adoption home? Wouldn't it be easier to just get a dog or something...you actually want another kid?". I loved the thought of me being a big brother but why to such an equally older sister?. All mom did was smiled at me and didn't say a word on the drive there. "Kora go let the Nurse know that I'll be taking Kristen today ok?" she told me. "Yes mom.." I obeyed as she said and walked in. I proceeded to the counter and told the head Nurse....i believe her name was Rose. Well she seemed to be happy after I told her that and she ran off smiling. I sat down at a table in the back and waited for mom to come in. All of a sudden I heard a loud thud, as if someone fell out of bed....oh well, it's maybe nothing after all. Bored and sleepy I awaited for my soon to be sis and stare outside.
I was startled by a sound coming from in the back of me, I turned only to see a girl around my age. She had tripped over a plant and tried to get up. I rush over to help her up and was simply taken abback by her beauty. Her light blue eyes seemed to have such a sparkle to it, her chestnut colored hair radiated and complemented her fair skin perfect. She had curves but very subtle. She was perfect. I was absolutely left speechless. Suddenly my mom walked in and smiled in our direction.
"Good, so I see you've already met Kristen. She will be your new little sister!" she said jumping. Wait...she is gonna be my sister!!.....

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2017 ⏰

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