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I wrote this a year or two ago so if it's terrible whoops. You should still read it though. I think it was originally meant to be parentwholock? But it's not. Enjoy :)

No one thought that Sherlock Holmes would ever have a child. The cold man who's best friend was death. Of course that was before John became his friend. They lived as flat mates for 3 years before Sherlock warmed to the idea of another person in his life besides himself. Slowly they melded together until one day Sherlock yelled at John, "there's a cab downstairs. Get into it immediately."

"Can't I at least finish my tea?" Complained John, sitting comfortably in his chair. In response Sherlock pointed his gun at John. "Fine, I'm going." John stood up, and as he did Sherlock walked to stand next to him, softly touching his finger tips on John's hand. On a few occasions before they had touched, but rarely and briefly. Not wanting to ruin the moment John moved slowly, as if trying not to scare away a wild animal.

When they walked outside John saw a limo instead of a cab. He realized that they must be going to some absurd location to meet Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock's brother. Sliding into the limo John noticed that Sherlock did not attempt to stay as far away from John as possible. Instead he relaxed in the seat, sitting as a normal person would. When they arrived at their destination John looked out to see the City Hall. Without questioning it he walked into the building. The walk next to Sherlock down the huge halls seemed to take ages. Finally Sherlock turned into a door marked "Stairs" and John followed. They went up three levels until walking into yet another hallway. This time it was a short way until they turned into a door. Not bothering to observe what the plaque next to the door said, John walked in. Just as John had suspected, there stood Mycroft. Next to him was someone in a suit, looking very official. A piece of paper laid in the table in between them. Sherlock picked up the pen next to it and signed it, filling out a date. Handing the pen to John he looked at him expectantly. When John stared blankly back Mycroft exclaimed, "Really John, Do you mean that you honestly haven't figured out what is going on yet? I'm not sure that this is a good idea Sherlock." John shook his head in answer. "Read the paper." Sherlock offered him the pen again.

It was a marriage license. Mycroft hovered around John as he read it. The whole affair was a great shock to John.

He loved Sherlock with his whole being, but marriage was a big step for a couple who hadn't kissed yet. However, somehow John understood how much this meant to Sherlock, and the paper was signed.

2 years later the couple were as happy as they had ever been when John began to talk about having a child around the house. Every time he mentioned this Sherlock would lock himself in their room, and not come out for hours on end. For a little bit John would drop the idea, but it always resurfaced in his mind, stronger than before. One day Sherlock finally spoke on the matter, "Dr. Watson," he began, "do you realize where children come from."

"Is that what's wrong, then?" John asked bluntly, "it's just like Mycroft said all those years ago. You really are afraid of sex."

"I am not," Sherlock snapped, "I simply don't wish to take part in it."

"No one ever said you had to. We could always adopt."

"You know that I couldn't deal with a child, let alone a child that fails to understand a word I'm saying. It would have to be my own."

John thought about this for a moment. Sherlock really was making the difficult. It was true that John understood why Sherlock felt this way but nonetheless he wished he didn't,"there are other options. There always are, you don't have to be part of anything."

Sherlock looked at John with a light in his eyes, "your sister, Harriet. How does she feel about children?"

"Well, she doesn't really like men much, so she hasn't had any."

"Perfect. I'll phone her now."

So it was decided that a child would be born into the family. Even though Sherlock regretted the moment that he had agreed to it for a long time afterwards, talking about the dangers and worries of having a child, he managed to tolerate Ellie once she was born.

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