Just a Love Bite

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"GODDAMMIT  MASON, GET OFF OF HIM!"  I screamed into the over-cast night. I caught a glimpse of the shimmering, scarlet blood dripping from his fangs.

Jaxon's blood. I couldn't let this happen. I can't lose anyone else.

I lunged forward, pulling Mason's dark mess of hair. His eyes where a glowing green swirl. I looked him right in the eyes. Something I still regret.

(start of chapter 1)

*brring brring* My door bell chimed through my house. I put my book down and get up from my comfortable spot on the couch in the sun porch. The door bell rings once more. "I'm coming, I'm coming." I mutter, knowing whoever is out their couldn't hear me.

I open the door and shiver, the cold winter air brushing over me. Infront of me stood a charming looking man. He seemed to be maybe 21, or 22. Basically around my age. He had the most beautiful green eyes and medium length wavy black hair. He had pale skin, and seemed to be dressed pretty nicely. I looked him over, from his solid blue polo, to his clean looking black converse. He smelt of aftershave and a small hint of gasoline. He smiled, exposing a dimple in his left cheek.

"Hi, I'm Mason. I just moved in across the street... um, may I come in. It's a bit chilly out here." He said. I could tell he was from the south.

"Oh yes, um, make yourself at home..." I said as he was already in my living room. I looked down at myself, black skinny jeans and an oversized Tshirt, with an old barbeque sauce stain on it. What a great first impression. I locked the front door to my house and went into the kitchen where I saw Mason leaning against the counter.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you..."

"No, no, Harry and Vouldemort can battle later." I say, referring to the Harry Potter book I was reading.

Mason's eyes widen "you said his name!" he gasps, jokingly.

I let out a little laugh and look at the clock. "oh shit, sorry, I have to go get my brother from school..."

"Oh, alright. Well, it was nice meeting you-"

"Johanna" I finish his sentence "Johanna Marie..."

"See you later, Johanna Marie." He said, smiling. We walked to the door and went our separate ways. Me, to my car. Him, to his new house.


"Hey, Jaxon. How was school..." I ask.

"Okay, so now you're gonna try and be a mother figure?"

"No. Why would you say that?"

"Nothing, nothing." he says in a worn out voice.

I drive off, the car filled with silence.

We pull into the driveway and I speak up "Y'know, Jaxon. I don't like your attitude ever since you've been hanging with your little friends, Sam and Mark. you're being a little bitch."

"Well exuuuse me." he says, getting out of the car.

"I'm not letting you hang out with them any more. They're poison."

"Fuck, Johanna, when will you realise that you can't control me. You aren't my mom. I mean, you aren't even my real sister. I wish I was never adopted by you guys... y'all are stuck in the 1800's. Wake up, it's 2014. Has been for 2 months." He said before running into the house.

"Ah teenagers, so wonderful." I hear a voice behind me.

I spin around, "God Mason, you scared me!" I say pushing his shoulder.

"Hey, hey, order in the court." he smiles.

Hi guys! I understand if this doesn't get many reads... and I apologize if it's lame. But I'm really big on this whole vampire concept, so tell me what you think?

Over and Out. XO

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