Not a Teen Flick Movie, but Popcorn Would Go Great With This.

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Stiles woke up to the sound of his phone buzzing.

Ugh. He thought to himself. Looking over to check the time, he saw it was only 2:19 a.m. and again, he groaned.

Almost falling off his bed, he managed to grab his phone. Unlocking it, he saw that he had 11 missed calls from Scott, 5 from Lydia, 2 from Derek, and one from Isaac. Isaac.

"Fuck" he said out loud. Scrambling to get out of bed, he blindly looked for anything that felt like pants and quickly dialed Scott.

"Stiles?! Thank god where are you?"

At the sound of his friend's concerned voice Stiles quickly replied.

"Dude, shit, sorry I was asleep and just realized everyone was trying to get ahold of me. What's going o-shit is it my dad where's my dad. Scott tell me he's o-"

"Stiles chill. Your dad's fine. You didn't answer my question though, where are you?"

What. "What? Dude, I just told you, I've been sleeping, so obviously I'm at casa de Stilinski. Why? What's going on?"

When Scott went silent, Stiles checked to make sure he hadn't accidentally hung up. Confirming he hadn't, he opened his mouth to, again ask what's wrong, but before he could get any words out, Scott interrupted him.

"Stiles, the pack and I have all stopped by your house multiple times and you're not there. No one's seen you since the pack meeting at Derek's... and that was yesterday."


Not a Teen Flick Movie, but Popcorn Would Go Great With This.Where stories live. Discover now