Chapter 1

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"The county inspectors are coming tomorrow. It's your duty to scrub all ten rooms and the bathrooms before you go to bed. You also need to make sure you get up to make everyone breakfast. Got it?" the lady sneered, glancing down at my tiny body before shoving a bucket and plunger into my hands.

"Yes, Ms. Peres," I muttered. It wasn't like it was almost two in the morning and the kids would be up at five thirty for breakfast.

I was the eldest, however, and these were my responsibilities. Someone had to care for the tens of kids who got dropped off in this home.

I had to lose my school education to do what was supposed to be Ms. Peres' job. She was just a lazy old hag who kicked me around like a cow whenever I didn't do something right.

It wasn't the best life, but it was all I had. I didn't have any family or any friends. All I had was this lonely shack of an orphanage.

I started with the bathrooms, scrubbing the bathtub and sinks with bleach and soap before bending over to put the blue stuff in the toilet water.

A scream ripped from lips as my back seemed to twist and snap and as I bent over. It hurt more than anything, but I quickly muffled it with my arms since my hands had gloves with chemicals on them.

It was then that it felt like someone slowly took each bone in my body and snapped it, my legs crumbling under my weight and my head smacking the side of the toilet. I felt blood rush from the wound and I winced. What was happening?

Another scream ripped from my lips as I was forced to twist to my right into a fetal position as my body seemed to shrink and form. Tears blurred my vision and soaked my cheek along with the blood and my throat burned with effort.



When I woke up, everything ached and burned. Ms. Pere was glaring down at me and I suddenly felt small, like a rat.

I stood up, only to realize I was on... fours.

I panicked, jumping around trying to get a glimpse of myself.

"Stop your squirming you stupid mutt. I know just who to call about you."


They came as a group, dressed in nice clothes and clean faces. In  all honesty, they were incredibly handsome. One had a brief case and the others had their muscular arms crossed for intimidation.

One of them scooped my tiny dog (wolf, cat, mammal) body in his arms by my scruff and I whimpered lowly. I just wanted to know what was happening.

"We'll gladly take her off your hands miss, and get rid of this abomination."

"Good, do I get paid?"

"Like always. Small wolf, small money. It's only three hundred," he handed her the wad of ones that were in the briefcase and walked to the door. "Thank you for the call, ma'am."

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