Chapter 1-Leaving Home

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I woke up, and for a moment, thought that day would be normal.

I thought i would wake up, go to school, and live my life like i had for the last 16 years.

But no, that day was going to be very, very different.


The Erickson family, notoriously known in the city of Chicago for as a large, underground, drug smuggling network.

There were very strict rules in place. On your 16th birthday, you were to make your very first individual, border crossing, drug delivery. 

Most 16th birthdays involve cake, and other 16 years olds getting "drunk" off of 5% alcohol. Mine, and everyone else in the Erickson family's, were to be very different.

My drug delivery was very basic. I was going to fly from Chicago, to Minneaplois. Drop the drugs at a spot near the airport and fly directly home. That was the plan, at least, that was my families plan.

My plan, however, was a little different.


"Amelia!" My father shouted. 

I knew this meant business. I changed quickly into the outfit we planned. A pair of black leggings and a plain blue hoodie.

"Coming, father!"

I made my way downstairs. My whole family, relatives, cousins, grandparents, they were all there. Smiles spread horrifyingly across their faces, everyone's but my fathers. I wasn't surprised, it had been this way for all of my siblings too.

I had 3 older siblings. Ben was 20, he was a large part of the 'family business'. Dean was 19, he left town to go to university. Although my family wasn't all too stoked about this plan, Dean  was incredibly smart. He was his high school valedictorian, and was starting Law School in Stanford. Chris was 17, she was never big into the 'family business'. She did was she was told, and nothing more.

"Where is your bag?" My father asked.

"In my room still." I replied, petrified with fear.

There was silence for a second. Only a second, but it still sent chills through my whole body.

"Well go get it." He barked.

"Yes, father." I turn and quickly got my bag from my room. The drugs were stashed in a pair of shoes with a hidden compartment inside. The looked like platform sneakers, but the whole bottom part was hallowed out.

I went back downstairs, again being greeted by my smiling family members. 

"Do you have the shoes?"

"Yes, father. They're at the door."

"Did you learn the script?" He asked.

"Yes, father. I memorized it." I said.

There were always scripts. Mine involved faking being my aunt and uncles daughter going to see my grandma in Minneapolis. We were going to make a pretty big scene.

"Good. The car is outside. Put your shoes on and get going." He said.

I slid on the uncomfortable shoes and walked out of the door. The driveway was long, and a short black car sat on the street. I got in, trying not to draw attention to myself.

My aunt and uncle followed behind me. "Amelia, are you ready?" My aunt asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"Are you scared?" My uncle asked.

"No." I said coldly.

The conversation ended there. It did not resume until we arrived at the airport.

"Alright. Get out, grab the suitcase in the back, go inside," My uncle began.

"I'm aware. I've read over the script too many times, Uncle. I go inside with you guys, looking scared and confused. You hug me and send me off to the airline."

"Good." He said.

The plan began. I grabbed the large purple suitcase from the trunk, and rolled it inside behind my aunt and uncle. 

"Okay," My aunt said in her acting voice, "Grandma is going to be waiting outside in Minneapolis. Be safe, okay?"

"Okay." I said. She kissed me on the forehead before hugging me tightly. My uncle shook the hair on my head and patted me on the back. 

A few strangers had turned their heads to us. 

"Bye guys." I said, waving as i walked towards the counter. The lady working there didn't raise an eyebrow at a 15 year old girl travelling by herself.

I made it to the gate before anyone said a word.

"Are you by yourself?" An older lady asked. I froze momentarily, there wasn't a script for this part.

"Oh, yeah. I fly this way all the time." I said. 

She nodded and smiled. "Well, i'm on the same flight as you, if you need anything just let me know dear."

I sat at the gate for a while until the plane started boarding. No one asked me another question until the stewardess asked if i wanted crackers or cookies.


I arrived in Chicago at the planned time, my plan was just about to take place.

My family wanted me to drop off the shoes at a bus stop just outside of the airport, and immediately get on a return flight for Chicago.

I decided, that it was time to change.

I dropped the drugs in the designated spot, but i went nowhere near the gate to Chicago.

My family had given me a credit card, just in case things went wrong. I knew that my family would track it, so there was only one choice. I went to a teller near the airport, and took out 8000 dollars cash. As soon as the transaction was complete, i took my scissors and cut up the card, so there was no way they could track it.

I bought a plane ticket to Seattle, and using my witty 'drug-dealer' charm, got on one of the planes that was minutes away from leaving.

I made it to Seattle without any questions asked.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2017 ⏰

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