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Čekam vlak na kolodvoru. Hodam, tražim mjesto za sjest i istovremeno vadim kutiju cigareta. Kopam po njoj ne bih li izvadila pljugu i upaljač zatim pljugu stavljam u usta i palim. Udišem, gledam da li mene netko gleda. Vidim nekog čovjeka iz daljine, ravno u mene pilji i mogu samo zamislit što misli o meni. Nije me briga.

I see a girl sitting there, cigarette in her hand. She isn't legal, well she doesn't look legal. She could be 15-16 years old as far as I know. Such a young girl already ending her life by minutes, hours, days..
Young souls hurt the most. I wonder what's hurting her, or who hurt her.
I guess I'll never know the answer to that question.

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