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okay so I friggin love this book and I want to continue, but ive been working on this private project, and I want to continue it now that school is over. i'll still be updating this story, but it may be longer per chapter. plus I'm leave the country for a bit, so I won't have any internet signal. but i'll try to premake some so when I come back youll have a couple chapters to read. I kind of want to end this story, but I also want to drag it out.

tell me your thoughts in the comments


Marinette and Adrien woke up late the next day. When they walked out, everyone was sitting in the tea house. The two decided to join them since they were not very hungry.

"Hey Nino. How are you feeling?" Adrien asked as he sat down. Nino was holding a blue and white tea cup with a black tea inside.

"I feel completely normal. I guess it's out of my system."

The little kwamis must have also been feeling better since some were flying around or talking. Tikki, Wayzz, and Tooruu were having their own conversation with some tea, while Plagg and Pollen chased each other around. Keeda was on Alya's lap, having a nap.

Alex walked into the tea house with some more folders, and Tony trailed her with a large briefcase.

"Alright everyone. Let's start this plan." He sat on the floor, and spread some folders out.

"What's the plan? Hopefully no more undercover." Nino hoped.

"There won't be anymore undercover unless you drastically change your facial appearance or wear a mask." Tony assured them.

Alex skimmed through the papers for a moment, and then explained.

"Alright. What we are going to do, is sneak in, and set up bugs all around so we can hear their secrets. We'll be infiltrating the Salamander kwami's place. The kwami's name is Newtt, the masked name is Intulo. His powers include camouflage and poison ribs. He can also climb up walls and fit in tiny places. Make sure not to ever grab him. He is able to stick needles out of his suit that will poison you if you are pricked. Now be can only do this once, and when he does, he will have about 5 minutes in-suit time. But we heard from Nalla that they all have done their own magic to make their suits last virtually 24/7 as long as they don't use their special powers. So Intulo will be extremely cautious." Alex explained.

"The point of this mission is to place the bugs, not fight anyone." Tony interjected. "The point is to get in, get out, and not to be detected. But if you do come face to face with him, it is imperative that you don't let him get away. His miraculous is an anklet. Most likely it is on his right ankle. If you meet him, get the miraculous, knock him out, and bring him to us. We were able to leave the secretary behind because she was the lowest of them all. But we can't leave whoever Intulo is, because he has direct access to Nathair and Inu. If Nathair or Inu realized we were coming after them, they would go into complete lock down. That would make it impossible for us to ever catch them."

The others understood. "How come you know where Intulo lives?" Marinette asked.

"Nalla told us where they all live. But we need to systematically bug their homes. If you realize we bugged them, they'll move. And we'll be forced to start at square one."

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