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Travis Pov~

I was sitting in my basement bedroom, Someone knocked on the door so I got up to see it was...

"Hey Travis we are heading over to aphs you want to come?" Laurance asked

"Sure!  I'll get to see m'lady Katelyn" I said and I felt my head get slapped I  the back of my head

"What was that for?" I asked "It's for Katelyn" he said then went up the stairs I grabbed my phone and followed.. I looked outside and there was snow on the ground..  "Whippy" I said sarcastically

"Yea..  I agree Travis" Dante said I jumped I was ready to punch him "let's go before something happens without us" Garroth said

We got across the road when Lucinda  opened the door to great us in we walked in and aph looked at us up and down

"We are having asleep over towmarrow the whole street of are friends...  Also I got Zane to come this time...  I have everything planned here" aphmau said well giggling the last part

Garroth looked surprised "you got my baby brother to come!? " he said

"I also have a guest as well!" She said then Katelyn came downstairs "heeey Katelyn.. " I said

She just look at me..  She looked like she wanted to cry..  I ran up to her and pulled her to the back porch

"Katelyn? What's wrong?" I asked she grabbed onto my arm "T-They canceled my play" she said with tears streaming down..  All I knew what to do was to hug her

So I did she hugged back and she cryed into my shoulder "... when I was told we where coming here I told laurance that I would come just for M'lady Katelyn he slapped me in the back of the head it hurt.. " I said and she started laughing and I smiled

"Thanks Travis" she said I so want to kiss you "yea no problem!" I said we stopped hugging and we both walking  back inside

"Okay Travis ready to go?" Dante asked I nodded then looked at Katelyn   "Call you later M'lady" I said with a bow she slapped me will blushing

I just stud backed up and waved good bye then we left then we got back to the house when...  Dante attcked me from behind I tried to push him off but nope.. 

He's such a butt and fat too..

"Get off fatty!" I yelled and Laurence and Garroth started laughing...  Then Dante got up I looked at him he was smiling... Laughing even.. 

"Hey Dante I didn't actually mean it the whole fat thing.." I said and he helped me up "It's fine..  You just caught me off guard...  And yes I know I'm a butt.. " he said

"Okay well I'm going back to my room  if you need me.." I said walking away waving ...

I got to my room and I just layed there on my bed with one light on a very dull light..

~Next Morning~

Zane's Pov


I woke up to my alarm clock going off so I rolled over and turned it off...  I got out of bed and put some clothes on and went downstairs I made some food eat it then put my mask on..

I sat on my couch and watched some T.V I put on some MLH My little horsies..

Then my phone went off it was Aph


Aph: Hey Zane, when are you ganna come over..  I was hoping you would come over early to make some cupcakes

Me: Hey Aph, yea I'll come over early I'll be right over

Aph: okay! :p

~end of text~

I got up off my couch turned off my tv and walked out of my house then locked the door behind me and walked over to Aph's

I got to Aph's house and I knocked on the door "it's unlocked Zane!" Aphmau yelled so I just walked in and took my shoes off
"thanks again Zane!" she said then we walked into the kitchen...

We herd the door open..  It was just Aaron "Zane? You still wear your shoes?  It's the middle of winter..." He said "Aaron leave me alone about my footwear.. You should worry about Aph she is working herself so much she wants this year to work out...

Then..  Just then Kawii~Chan came downstairs and hugged me "Zane~Kun!  Kawii~Chan missed you!" She said

"Ugh.. Kawii~Chan let go of me" (A/n yes I'm putting ships!) I said

"Let's make Cupcakes!" Aph said the I walked over to her and Aaron.. Aaron picked up aph and we took her to her room once we got up there aaron layed her down and stayed with her well I made Cupcakes

Kawii~Chan did whatever.

~time skip~

It's been 3 hours since aaron and aph was last seen Katelyn came in and had now care in the world..

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