Okay so this was a descriptive essay i had to write for my english 101 class so i want all of you all to tell me what you think about it
I was getting ready for the most prestigious race in volvo history. Who would have thought that I would have been racing among the likes of Irv Gordon: The man with the bright and glistening cherry red volvo p1800 with 3 million miles on its long lived and still beating heart. I have always looked up to him for many, many years. This was the most exciting time of my life.
I was walking through the pits, the smells of gas was so potent it polluted the crisp clean summer air. The sight of the cars were just absolutely breath-taking especially the pcp . Its electrifying baby blue color was shocking to the point that when it drove by it was just a lightning bolt of blue; The roar of its turbocharged 2.5 liter engine would leave you as deaf. In another garage sat this beautiful p1800. Its maroon paint job glistened in the sweltering summer sun the colors explode into a magenta, purple, like a beautiful butterfly spreading it's wings. Some of the wagons were absolutely stunning; there was one wagon a superb saffron V70-R. its enormous stance combined with its blacked out lights made the car look as fierce as a lion about to pounce. I was so ready for this race, as i climbed into my car. a dark purple almost black currant coloured volvo c70, its swooping curves allowed the air to caress the car; the air slips across the hood like a jet stream of air passes across a fighter jets wings. I couldn't wait to start the race.
We all lined up on the starting grid. on one side of the shocking blue pcp and on the other was the stunningly beautiful saffron V70-R. We were all revving our engines.
3.....2.......1...... go, we were off; the pcp took off like a rocket it blasted its way into the lead. Me and the V70 were neck and neck fighting for the lead. We passed the cars like a supersonic jet. All the other cars were just blurs of color flashing past. All of a sudden the V70 passed me, but i knew that the bumpy part of the track, and he couldn't go that fast. Being a racer he pushed his car and he hit a large mound on the ground and he started spinning out of control. I avoided him but the maroon p1800 wasn't so lucky. It smashed into the V70. the two cars burst into flames, the fire produced a plume of dark grey smoke, so other cars couldn't see so car after car. The accident just continued getting bigger and bigger until almost a mile of the track was covered in cars.
We were so close to finishing. I could almost taste the victory, it was bittersweet. I was going to come in second place,but the only reason that was happening was because of all the cars. I wanted to finish so badly, but instead i got out of my car and helped. The sight of the carnage of the oodles of cars; It was absolutely horrendous. all the smashed up c70's swooping lines where nothing more than squashed piles of scrap metal. All of the wagons were reduced to compact cars,the size of a fiat 500. The big whales of a sedans were the size of small fish. The horse, in-pain screeches of the racers made it my first priority to save as many as I could. I pulled as many people as I could out. They were transported to the hospital. The surviving racers all joined us in the pits and we mourned the few of the lives that were lost. It was a dark and somber time but we came together to overcome the sadness.
I will always remember that race, because that raced proved to me that it isn't always about winning its about coming together for a common good. that race changed me from the selfish young boy into a selfless man. That is the story about the great volvo race of 2025.