Malfunction with the titan -erevi/ erenxlevi Attack on titan-

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Levi's p.o.v

There was a startled laugh and the sound of multiple people laughing from outback where Hanji was doing tests on Eren. Annoyed at being interrupted I made my way outside to see what was going on. In the middle of the clearing was Eren looking confused and surprised as Mikasa, Armin, Hanji, and Jean were at the outside of the clearing laughing like a bunch of lunatics, and I'm pretty sure half of them are actual loons. "What the hell is going on here!" I demanded glaring at all of them. At once they were silent. "Hanji gave me some stuff and had me turn into my Titan form... it didn't work out the same." Eren said looking at the ground. "Well what form are you now?" I asked irritation plain in my voice. "My human form." He said quietly. Looking more irritated than bored I walked over to him. "You come with me now." I said pointing to Eren."The rest of you get back to work." I said turning and heading to the dungeon where Eren sleeps.

I leaned on the wall just outside the cage."What did Hanji give you?" I asked maintaining my normal look if boredom. He shrugged."You don't know, but you let her give it to you?" I asked annoyed. "I thought it'd be fine." He said looking at the floor in a sad way. Damn his cute face! Rolling my eyes I turned and walked out the door."You stupid brat."

Eren's p.o.v

Smiling slightly I got up and headed to the dining hall. After getting food I headed straight for the table with Armin, Mikasa, Jean, and a few others. Jean looked up and snickered. "Would the kitty like some cat nip?" He teased. Scowling I ignored him. Me and Mikasa made small conversation, but mainly I stuck to my own thoughts. Letting them wander to Levi. When I wasn't paying attention some person came up and gave us all a cookie... a rare appearance here. I looked around to see who it was, but instead my eyes caught Levi, who was sitting by himself, with no cookie. Excusing myself I made my way over with the cookie in hand and sat across from him. "Hey!" I said smiling. "What do you want brat?" He said turning his bored gaze to me. "Well I noticed you didn't get a cookie, so here." I said breaking my cookie in half. I put the the cookie half on his tray. His gaze flicked from me to the cookie, then back to me. " Go to Hanji and see if she has anything to get you back to normal." He told me. Nodding I got up and started to leave, taking my half of the cookie. Right before I exited I turned to see Levi mutter stupid brat and take a bite of the cookie. Smiling I went to my room. Who knows how long later it was time for bed... there was no way I was going to sleep on that 'bed' so I grabbed the 'basically a pillow case' and headed to the hall. The floor was much more comfortable.... at least there was carpet.

After laying there for a bit I heard footsteps walking by. I curled up and hopped they wouldn't notice me. "What are you doing?" A voice said from above me, a short shadow cast onto the wall. I looked up and my gaze met Levi's. "Uhh...... laying on the floor....." "Obviously!" He said annoyed. "But why?" "The floor is more comfortable than the bed..." I replied.

Levi's p.o.v

"The floor is more comfortable than the bed..." He told me, his cat ears laying flat on his head. By now he had sat up. I quickly looked over him. He was in light blue pajama pants and a dark grey tee shirt. "Lets go, brat." I sighed turning and walking to my room. Without hesitating he followed. In my room I got an extra pillow, blanket, and sleeping mat from the closet. When I set them on the floor by my bed Eren had his back to me and was looking at my wall. My wall had a few pictures from my past and some new ones. "Ahem." I cleared my throat and he faced me. "You can sleep there." I said pointing to the mat I just laid out. Without waiting for a response I got clothes from my dresser and headed to the bathroom to change.

Erens p.o.v

I watched as Levi walked into the bathroom before I went over to the makeshift bed. He may not realize it, but he can be really sweet. Smiling I laid down and moved my 'tail' in front of me. Slowly moving it back and forth. Honestly I was still kind of confused as to why I had ears and a tail, but they were easy to forget about. Levi came out of the bathroom in sweatpants and a green tank top that showed if his muscles. I must have been staring because he gave me a weird look, then came over and lightly kicked my side. "Get some sleep." Smiling slightly I turned on my side. "Yes captain." Slowly I drifted into an unpleasant sleep.

In my dream I was fighting outside the walls with my team. Mikasa and Armin were fighting a large Titan, but weren't doing so well. I rushed over to help when Armin let out a blood curdling scream as he was bit in half. I tried to turn Titan when Mikasa was dangling uselessly from the titans fingers, but couldn't. All I could do was watch as my team was devoured.

I shot up panting with Levi kneeling beside me. "What's with you?" He asked, "why were you yelling?" "I-it was nothing." I stuttered. He obviously saw through my lie, but decided not to ask. "At least try to yell quietly, brat."He said getting back into bed.

~~~~~~~~<Next Morning>~~~~~~

I sat up and yawned. Slowly I got to my feet to see Levi pulling on his boots, already in his uniform. "About time." he grumbled glancing at me. I stretched and he watched me out of the corner of his eye. I felt the hem of my tee shirt go above my pants line and quickly put my arms down becoming slightly subconscious. "We'll be going outside the walls today, brat." He told me. My thoughts went back to my dream and my stomach did flips. Nodding I basically ran out of there to get my stuff... and so he wouldn't see the look on my face.

~~~~~Outside the walls on the way

Back to the walls~~~~~~~~~

So far we had encountered few titans, which were easily killed off. The mission though had been a success. We had successfully captured one 12 meter Titan. There was a yell from somewhere behind us and the ground was shaking. I glanced back to see a good sized aberration running straight towards us. Instantly we cut to the left where a small forest was conveniently growing. When we got there we ditched the horses and switched to the maneuver gear. In the trees Levi said to wait here while the others get it. As if out of nowhere 6 more 10-13 meter titans appeared running towards us. Levi cursed and turned to me. "Stay!" He commanded jumping to the fight. I watched helplessly as survey corps swung back and forth, striking and being struck. Then I snapped. Mikasa was flung to the ground and I rushed to her. "Mikasa!" I yelled shaking her. "Mikasa get up!" a Titan was making its way towards us, but I didn't care. "Mikasa!!!" I screamed tears starting to roll down my face and dripping onto the ground. There was a whoosh and the sound of feet lightly hitting the ground. "Leave her." Levi said from behind me.

Not taking my eyes off Mikasa I shook my head no. "If you won't come then i'll take you." He said. "No." I replied grabbing the grass in a frustrated way. The Titan was approaching fast. "Fine." Levi grabbed my torso and maneuvered to a nearby tree. I struggled in his grip but he held tight. Tears blinded my sight. "Take your gear off." He commanded. For a second I did nothing, but then thought better of myself and took it off. He grabbed me around the waist and got ready to jump. "Hold on tight." He told me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Completely breaking inside.

The next thing I know we're at the house and I'm in the 'nurse' office. I sat up confused. "Armin's been seriously injured and Mikasas in a coma." A voice said from the side of my bed. "No..." I whispered in disbelief. Blindly I got up and staggered towards the door. "They're fine." I said. "Stop Eren." The person told me. "This is all my fault." I said stumbling. "All my fault." I fell to the floor as tears began to pour down my cheeks. "No!" I yelled sobs racking my body. Whoever was in the room came over and kneeled beside me. Not even caring anymore I turned and leaned on them sobbing into their chest. Strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me closer. "Shhh it'll be okay."


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