Utopian Society AU

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PaperJam woke up and rolled out of his grey colored bed sheets, he slowly made his way to his closet to grab his school uniform
Tsk, school. What was the point? Learning things you won't really need, the only subject PaperJam really enjoyed was art, being the son of Ink Sans, he had an interest in art. The black paint creating a beautiful pattern on the empty white canvas, it's was the only beautiful thing about his society.
PaperJam grabbed a white collared long sleeved shirt and put it on, making sure all the buttons were in there correct places. He grabbed a black tie and tied it loosely around his neck, he then picked up his shoes which were placed neatly next to his door and slipped them on, tightly tying them. He walked downstairs to be greeted by his father; Error. "Hey kiddo" "Hello father, you have a bit of black smudge on your sleeve" Error looked at his sleeve, and there was a black smudge from the makeup he has to put on his face to hide the blue marks he has on his face. He quickly stood up and walked back to his room, and walked back out wearing a new shirt. "Thanks PJ" "No problem, well I'm off the school" "Wait just a minute Jammy!" PaperJam stopped at the sound of his mothers voice "Yes Ink?" Ink pulled on PaperJams tie making it tighter "Remember to go to the nurse if your eyes start watering from your contacts, we might has to get them resized" "Yes I know, okay bye!" "Bye sweetie!" "Bye kiddo!"
The contacts, PaperJam hated them. Having to wear colored contacts he didn't need to hide his eyes, psh, stupid. PaperJam was like everyone else, lived in a society with no color. Just, black white and grey. All the monsters with colors on their bodies were 'removed' at birth, PaperJam and all the other students never really understood what this meant, they just knew they would never see them. PaperJam was lucky to has been a black boned skeleton, the only thing wrong was his eyes. PaperJam has never seen his real eyes but only knows what the color of his eyes are with the contacts; grey pupils, black socket. PaperJam sighed and slung his backpack over his shoulder, trudging to school. He walked though the gates and heard conversations about upcoming exams from multiple students, he ignored them and walked though the school doors hoping to be the first one in his class, to have some peace and quiet. He quickly walked though the halls but halted in front of the office when something caught his eye, a new student was sitting in a chair in the office with headphones on, but the thing what caught his eye most was his hoodie.. It had something he had never seen before;


The stranger looked up and smiled, noticing the visibly smaller skeleton looking at him. He took his headphones off his head to rest on his shoulders, "Heya broski!" broski? "uh, hi?" "What's wrong? Haven't seen anything as radical as me in this bland place?" The stranger attempted to high five PaperJam but he backed away "uh sorry I have to.. Get to class.." "Oh maybe you can sho-- he's gone?" PaperJam couldn't be seen with that.. thing
He was so different, he would surely be removed for being in contact with the new stranger.
PaperJam slowed his walking when he heard muffled shouts from the office, he started to walk back but soon got pushed back my a heard of students going to their classes. PaperJam sighed and walked to his class taking his seat, ten minutes into class the door opened and the stranger walked in tugging at his tie that looked tight around his neck. The teacher looked up from her papers, "oh. You're the new student correct? Take a seat, if you have any questions ask away" "yeah alright, what's up with this place? It's like, so bland and everyone is the same" "oh... You're new to this Society... Here let me write down the rules" the teacher grabbed a black marker and began writing on the board
Wear your proper uniform
No secrets
No love interests
"Wait wait, no love interests?" The student next to Fresh spoke up "Yeah we don't really know what 'love' is, no one really does. That's only something one person knows, and he's not allowed to tell anyone." "So... You guys.. Basically know nothing about real feelings?" The teacher looked at Fresh and hesitantly said "Fresh, will you go to the office for a moment?" "Uh, sure?" Fresh stood up and walked out the door

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