Spring is a season to have a fun time and be outdoors when the school bell rings. The smell of the flowers in the meadows is almost delectable. The fresh, crisp air blows as I swing on the swing in my family's massive oak tree in our backyard, which is for me and my younger sister. Four springs ago my dad, built a treehouse in our oak tree, which me and my friends go in a lot after school to chat and do homework together.
To have peace I walk to the forest by my house and walk my majestic Labrador retriever and think of all my hopes and dreams. My favorite thing is to draw and paint pictures of things I love for my family and friends, they always say I should be an artist when I graduate college, but I would rather start a family and have a job that makes a difference like helping sick animals or be a doctor. I want to be a normal woman when I'm in my 30's, like have a husband, have kids, and have an impactful job.
My family's oak tree is somewhere I can escape to, wether it's swinging from the swing or being up in the tree fort. My BFF, Raina and I share many memories from that "family member", like the time when we threw water balloons down onto our trampoline, we didn't even get in trouble our parents just laughed. Also there was the time when I was much younger, in kindergarten when Raina thought we should bring all of our favorite clothes of mine and dress up, our parents say that's a "cute" memory.
My name is Isabella Eva Onite and I'm 13 years old, I have long brown hair and hazel eyes. My sister's name is Claire Eleanor Onite. and she is 11 years old, with medium lengthed dirty blond hair and brown eyes. My sister and I are very close, like friends.
My best friend's name is Raina, she is so sweet, caring and very intelligent. Raina is 13 years old, with long brown hair (like me) and brown eyes. We live in Southern Minnesota, not far from Rochester. Also we go to a private school and almost everyone is a prep because a lot of the people's families are higher class, but sometimes they can be real jerks and they love being popular. Popularity at my school is basically you look pretty, have high fashion, you're dumb (sometimes smart).
Короткий рассказWinter wonderland is a poem and springtime is a short story.