the first battle and first meeting

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Once upon a time in a land far far away there was a princesse
Who was locked up in a tower. She could only be saved by true love's kiss. Her name was Barry B Benson and this is her story

Barry sat at her window sill looking out and wishing she could jump from on top of her high tower because she was suicidal after spending 2 whole days locked up in this stupid tower ( 2 human days = lots of bee days ).
And what's worse is that her captor, the embodiment of all evil in this world, had put her in a pretty pink dress that made her fat and bubbly ass look even fatter and bubblier than it already was.
"When will my prince/princess/gendernonconformingheirtothethrone Come save me?" She sighed, then threw herself back on the bed.
She thought that she heard the clinking of swords at the base of the tower, but figured it was just her mind playing tricks on her after she 4/20 blazed it an hour ago.
She could've sworn she heard foot steps and her name being called, but she knew it was the weed from the cache straight from the those hipsters in B.C.
"My princess!" Said a deep and hot voice. "Where are you my princesse!?!"
Barry was high af and didn't even realise that a stranger was now carrying her bridal style.
" My princess we must leave at once!" He said but Barry was too high to response to him.
The pair heard a growl from the hallway. " Adammmmm........."
" The evil Sportacus is coming back! He's super angry after I cut off his arm. We need to get out of here, fast!"
Adam looked around the room.
The window was open.
Adam jumped out of the window with Barry in his arms and prayed to shrek that he wouldn't die. Barry either.

the tower of love a barry x adam fanficWhere stories live. Discover now