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I woke up when the morning sun light hit my eyes. I am the so of the Baker. One of the stockiest build boy with ashy blonde hair. I am not too tall but I am quite famous in my school.

But today I am scared. I am scared because today is the day when The Capitol takes two teenage tributes -one girl and one boy from each district to send them to an arena for a blood bath. Today is the day when Capitol reminds us that we are nothing in front of them.Today is the day when The Capitol reminds us that revolting against them can pay high.Taking the kids from our districts, forcing them to kill one another while we watch - this is the Capitol's way of reminding us how totally we are at their mercy. How little chance we would stand of surviving another rebellion.

Today is the Reaping Day.

Me and my family-we live in District 12. It is also called Seam.Our Districts is usually crawling with Miners. Mining of Coals-that's our main occupation. Our District is quite poor. The poorest,to be specific. Every one- from child to senior citizens is suffering from malnutrition. But me and my brothers,we are not that much thin. As I already said I am from a Bakery Family explains it. Right?

I slipped out of my bed and walked to our kitchen. My mom was taking out freshly baked cookies from the oven. She has a bit edgy personality. Very edgy I mean.

''Mom?'' I called her standing at the doorstep.

''Yes Peeta?'' she asked without looking at me. I don't know why she ignores me like this?She always says that I am useless. She says that my talent in painting will not help me to satisfy my stomach with three meals.

I love painting. I express my emotions through it. 

''Where is Shawn?'' He is my brother. Just one year older. His name will be in that bowl of chits too. I need to see him.Talk to him, before it becomes too late.

We don't know whose name will be drawn today. Today night after Reaping every family celebrates because their children has been spared for one more year. But two Families. Two Families will pull the shutter down and mourn. Two families will quit their daily routine. Two Families' life will change drastically. Which Two Families? Well,no one has an answer to that.

Till now.

''He has gone with your Dad to deliver some breads'', she said checking the cookies if its baked fully or not.

I went out from there after that. Our District is surrounded by electric fence. But no need to worry. It has remained dead for ages. Our District's Peacekeepers are better than other Districts. I mean,Arrogant. But less Arrogant.

 I was walking through our narrow lanes when my eyes fell on Her.

The girl in front of whom I become dumb. In front of whom my mind just continues to be a perfect blank. She was wearing her leather jacket probably it is her father's. She is thin but tall. She has grey seam eyes and black hair. And trust me, She is Beautiful.She is Katniss Everdeen. Nice name right?But  her name will be in that damn bowl too and I can't help it. If she and I -no! This can't happen. We both can not end up landing in that arena.

I turned my head to another direction to prevent my thoughts go on. In the after noon we all will gathered in the Square for the Reaping.Just like every year Effie Trinket will come to announce the name.

I walked pass the Victor Village. The Capitol has built this in every District.  This is where The Victors stays after they win the Games. Every District has at least three to four victors. And as for us. Only one is occupied.  His name is  Haymitch Abernathy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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