Hetalia Oneshots

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Gerita/Germany and Italy~


Italy: Ve~ Hello Germany~

Germany: Italia, what are you wearing?

Italy: Huh? Ah~ It's a sailor uniform!

Germany: Yes, I can see that. My question is: Why are you wearing the female one?!

Italy: Uhm.........? Because Japan gave it to me~

Germany: ............... Where is Japan?

Italy: He said that he was going to get his camera~

Germany: Italy, whatever you hear, do not move from this spot.

Italy: Ve~? Where is Germany going?

Germany: To teach that *saugnapf a lesson.

Itay: Ahh~ You are finally going to teach German to Japan?

Germany: ......................... Something like that. *Grabs metal bat*

Italy: ...........? Ve~ Good luck then!

Germany: Ich liebe dich my dear Italia.

Italy: Ve~?


*Saugnapf: Jerk or idiot in German.

*Ich liebe dich: I love you in German.

(A/N) Yay!!! I made a new one and this one is about Hetalia!!! This is only the first one for this series, don't worry! Love you all and remember I appreciate votes and comments! Also, I do take on request!

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