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A/N: This is some what of a continuation to "This is War" but you do not need to read that one to understand this one. Anyway enjoy :)

Jimin could still remember the day Jungkook confessed like it was just yesterday, though it had been two months. He could recall how Jungkook's behavior had been odd up until the day he'd confessed. He remembered how Jungkook had seemed hostile towards Taehyung and he'd never been able to understand why, but of course, now it all made sense. Jimin should have detected the jealousy but he had been so sure Jungkook would never feel the same way about him and so the thought never crossed his mind. And honestly, Jimin had been to lost in his own feelings for Jungkook to notice the other's own emotional turmoil. But he was happy that the younger had confessed and that they were dating now...though sometimes he questioned it, were they really dating? After all, not much had changed in their relationship besides being able to freely kiss one another. But besides that, hardly anything changed. Jungkook was still the same and so was Jimin. That's why he was sitting on the bleachers watching Jungkook play basketball.

Jimin watched Jungkook move across the basketball court as if he owned it. In all honesty, the only person on the basketball team that could possibly compete with Jungkook was Yoongi, but the elder wasn't there today having caught the flu. So it was all up to Jungkook to lead practice today since he was the vice captain. Jungkook was a good leader even if the younger tended to be really shy and reserved. Everyone who knew Jungkook knew that he was talented in many ways and capable of doing almost anything. But Jungkook was also predictable and steady, and Jimin loved that most about him. Though, at the same time, he kind of hated it because it made it feel as if they weren't in a relationship, seeing as Jungkook hadn't made any other moves besides kissing.

"Hyung! Ready to go?" Jungkook asked as he approached Jimin with a huge grin and sparkling eyes. Jimin returned the smile and nodded while grabbing his backpack. The two males walked out of the building and headed towards their dorm. Jungkook held Jimin's hand as they walked in relative silence. They were both enjoying the autumn air and colorful trees that lined the streets of their university. Once they reached their dorm, Jungkook headed off to the bathroom to take a shower, while Jimin decided to prepare something for the two of them to eat.

While Jimin was cooking, Jungkook came into the kitchen and decided to surprise Jimin by going up to him and wrapping his arms around Jimin's waist, effectively startling Jimin and earning a small squeak of surprise out of him.

"Aish, you're so mean!" Jimin pouted at Jungkook which only made the younger laugh and kiss him on the cheek.

"Sorry hyung, I just love seeing your reactions," Jungkook said with a smile and playful eyes. His dark brown hair was still wet from his shower and so it stuck to his forehead and a few droplets fell onto the baby blue towel he had around his neck. Jimin noted that the younger had yet to put on his shirt as all Jungkook currently wore were his shorts. And while Jimin had seen Jungkook practically naked most of his life, he still couldn't help the way his insides squirmed at the sight of a shirtless Jungkook. But years of practice (and fear of his love being unrequited) had eventually led Jimin to school his emotions so he no longer blushed so easily at the sight. However, Jimin no longer needed to school his emotions, yet found that the habit was already in place and much too hard to break.

"Hmm hmm, you're still mean," Jimin replied turning off the stove and then facing Jungkook. He grabbed the towel around the younger's neck and placed it over Jungkook's hair as he began to dry it for the younger who closed his eyes and hummed in satisfaction. Jungkook had always liked having Jimin dry his hair for him claiming Jimin would give the best massage while drying his hair. And since Jimin was hopelessly in love with Jungkook (even though Jungkook hadn't known it at the time) he'd willingly indulged the younger often whenever Jungkook approached him with a towel and wet hair.

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