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The next day Marinette woke Adrien up and tried getting dressed. He just groaned and wrapped his arms around her waist, keeping her sitting down.

"Adrien, I need to get dressed. And so do you." She pushed his arms off of her, and she got her bag of shower products.

"I don't want to walk over there to change." He groaned into the pillow.

"Well you'll have to. Now go so I can get ready to hit the showers." Marinette said as she pushed him and Plagg out of the door.

Adrien yawned and stretched on the porch. He looked at the lawn, and saw Nathaniel sitting on the ground drawing something. It looked like he saw Marinette push him out of the room.

"Oh hey Nathan. What's up?" Adrien waved as he walked over.

"Oh, uh, nothing much. I-Is Marinette mad at you?" He asked quietly.

"Her? No. She just needed me to leave so she can get ready for the shower. Have you gotten one yet? I doubt Nino showed you where they are." Adrien motioned for Nino to follow him.

"Get your stuff and meet me at the entrance." Adrien told him. He split for his room, and got changed into a towel and had his bag of soaps. Nathan waited for him in his own clothes, and a small plastic bag. Nathan seemed a little weirded out that Adrien was just going to walk to the showers with a towel around his waist, but he didn't judge.

They walked to a shack to the side, and went through a different entrance.

"These are the guys side of the bathrooms and showers. Get ready and all. We've still got to get to breakfast, and then Marinette and I will work on our project." Adrien joked.

The two got in the showers and finished quickly. Nathan was thinking about how much he'd have to do to catch up with Nino and Adrien. Nathan had not been working out as of late, and he was definitely skinnier than the rest.

The two walked back together, and joined Marinette who was also walking back. She had on a pink robe and he hair was still wet.

"Hello Mi'Lady." Adrien joined her.

"Hey there. Hey Nathaniel." Marinette greeted. The three split off to their rooms to get dressed. Marinette decided on wearing a corset crop top with halter straps. The top was black, and she wore black ripped jeans to accompany it. She found a red and white bandana, which she folded and tied around her neck to add a little color. She thought that the look suited her new hairstyle, and she believed she could use it to make Intulo a little more willing to answer. She topped it off with navy blue lipstick, and just a little bit of mascara.

She hopped out and joined the others in the dinning hall. Nathan and Adrien were there. Adrien wore black jeans and a black tee shirt. Nathan had on a pristine white shirt, a brown cardigan, and blue jeans. Nino showed up in basketball shorts and a random tee shirt. Obviously he had slept in it. Alya just showed up in her pajamas.

"I've never seen you wear black jeans, Adrien. Why the change?" Marinette asked as she sat down across from him.

"Black hides blood stains." He explained shortly.

"Makes sense." She agreed. Master Fu, Alex, and Tony joined them, and they were all able to eat.

The group talked among the table, although Nathan fell silent. His shirt ruffled a little, and a head peeked out.

"Is that Duusu?" Alya asked, pointing to the blue head that poked out of his shirt.

"Y-Yeah. Duusu, you can come out. There are other kwamis here." He told her. Duusu flew out straight to Pollen.

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