The AngerGod: Part 1

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Horo: C'mon Akami, there's no reason to be scared.
Akami: I'm not really sure about this Horo. It's really dark and damp. Plus there's only of few rays of sunlight shinning through the ceiling.
Horo: I'll be right by your side, I promise.
*Both walks in the abandon building*
Akami: Wow, it's really dark in here.
Horo: All these puddles on the floor. Wait a you see that?
Akami: See what?
Horo: There's something moving. With red's eye's?
Akami: Hey! Are you alright?
?????: *Growls*....
Horo: Akami stay back. I don't think this is a normal person.
?????: LEAVE... ME... ALONE!!!!
Akami: ....umm...uhh...
Horo: Akami run!
?????: SHUT UP!!!
*Hits Horo*
Akami: Horo!
?????: I'll send you to HELL!!!
Akami: Wait, please, stop.
Don't you have any feeling at all?!
?????: Feeling?.....
Horo: *groans*....what are you doing Akami...
Akami: ......
?????: UP!!! *roars*
Horo: Hey bastard! Over here!
?????: *Screeches and rushes towards Horo*
Akami: Stop! Don't you kill him you hear me you monster!
?????: JUST DIE!!!
Horo: Oh no, Akami!!!
Akami: Aahhh!!!
*Runs in Akami's way*
Horo: Aaahhhh!!! *Fall's on the ground*
Akami: H..Horo...
Horo please don't die...don't die on me... *Starts crying*
Horo: before it's...too...late...
Akami: killed him...I never got a chance to tell him I love him...
?????: .....
Akami: You freak!!! Get away from us!
?????: ....why...are you sad?
Akami: Because you killed my friend you dumb ass! I'll never forgive you for that! A demon like you doesn't know what it means to have someone to care about.
?????: They're....all dead...
Akami: I'm have those big red intimidating eye's, and along with that....the rest of your body is doesn't even look like you have a mouth at all, but your still able to talk... What happend to the one's you loved and cared about?
?????: I don't know, but all I feel is alot of HATE, and ANGER!!!
I've been dead for 20 year's...not knowing what happened when I was gone for that long!!! I lost...everything....
Akami: ...tell me...what is your name?...
?????: My name?... I'm Darius...the AngerGod.
Akami: that explains why your eye's are so red. Even so that still doesn't make up for what you've done!
AngerGod: *Walks towards Akami, and Horo*
Akami: No! Stay away from us!
Angergod: *Touches Horo and yells*
Akami: What did you do to him?...
AngerGod: See for yourself.
Horo: Aahh! Akami! Are you ok?! I'm alive?
Akami: Horo!!! *Squeezes him*
Horo: Ummm...heehee sorry I had you worried.
Akami: It's ok and you AngerGod...thank you.
Horo: AngerGod? What are you talking about. No one is there.
Akami: What do you mean? He's standing right....behind me. ( He must have left while I was screaming in joy. I hope he'll be alright.)
Horo: Akami?
Akami: Oh ummm...lets go. We haven't ate for hours now.
Horo: Ok? Whatever that thing was it's gone now. I'm glad to see that you're safe.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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