Teen Beach Movie 2: A diffrent Story

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Mack and brady were walking down the beach holding hands as they spot wet people gathering around something small they asked the guy that was watching them whats going on he said ''I saw them getting out of the water wearing clothes that arnt supposed to be weard for swimming I thought they were lost so I showed them my phone if they want to borrow it they screamed in fear the one girl wearing pink leather took it and they gatherd that’s it'' mack was in shock and brady was thinking along with mack ''leather…pink leather…LELA!'' they both shouted ''could it be'' mack said ''I don’t know after what we've been through anything could happen'' replyed brady brady leand towards the group slowely mack grissping tight his arms ''be careful'' mack said in shock he leand his hands to pat a guy with an afro curly hair and a seaweed stuck to his hair he turnd around it was SEACAT! Everyone noticed mack and brady they were all happy and shocked to see each other ''not again'' mack said but is still happy to see them ''how?...why?'' brady asked happily ''we don’t know either'' tanner answered ''well what do we do now?'' mack asked ''we should dry them up and give them something dry to wear'' brady answered while smurking '' right you take the boys to your room and ill take the girls to mine'' mack said the guys and girls ran both in different directions after 15 minuts mack called brady  his phone rang butchy saw it and found out how to answere it ''hello?'' he said in fear '' butchy its me mack where is brady?'' mack said '' umm how am I supposed to say this..tanner is taking longer than we thought to fix him up''

said butchy ''why whats going on?!'' mack said with shock ''he is afraid of the blow dryer he wont let it near his hair'' said butchy '' WHAT! Ill be there in 5 minuts whith lela'' mack said in a hurry and hung up ''GIRLS! You stay here ill be back ! lela come with me!''said mack as she pulled lela and ran to bradys room door she knocked on the door seacat answered ''hows it going?''mack asked '' not so good '' he replyed they both came in and knocked on the bathroom door were tanner was shouting '' NO!NO!'' ''calm down tanner its not gonna do anything to your hair'' brady said  he heard the knock '' who is it?'' asked brady  '' us'' mack answered  he opend the door mack and lela came in  and he shut and locked the door '' tanner im here now please let brady dry your hair or you will get a cold '' said lela '' I don’t care as long its away from me '' tanner said with fear  '' tanner if you do it  we will all go have lunch together '' mack said  '' then we could go surfing'' brady added mack took brady a bit

away from tanner and whisperd '' brady you head out for a while we will have a talk with him'' brady left tanner calmed down '' why are you so scared of a little thing like that? '' mack asked '' are you hiding something tanner?" lela asked  ''can you guys keep a secret?'' tanner asked while having a really sad face on ''yea sure ofcourse'' lela answered "whats going on tanner" mack asked "I used to have a little brother who loved making his hair perfect he used all kinds products and electronics and one day he just got out of the water after surfing he ran to our house excited to do his hair for his birthday party he forgot to dry himself up so he…" tanner started crying  "what happened next" lela

asked ''I gusse I know what happened next" mack said  sadly ''he got electrified and died'' mack whiseperd in her ear ''WHAT!'' lela hugged  tanner while mack held is hand "its gonna be ok" mack said while tanner was whipping his tears  "you don’t need to do this you know" lela said  looking right into mack "yea ill talk to brady" mack said smilling "KAWABUNGA" mack said to tanner he laughed cause it was the same thing he told mack when she was crying before they left the movie In the meantime the boys were ease dropping on tanner and the girls including brady mack came towards the door then stopped by lela "the boys are awfuly quite don’t you thing theyre listening" lela said smerking  "what! Brady wouldn’t do it" mack said smiling  yet still thinking "they were kind of quite too quite were they!?" mack said "that’s what I said!" lela whispered "but I have an idea" lela said while she winked at mack "we go back slowely then run towards the door and push it so strong and fast they wont have time to run" lela said smiling at mack "lets do it" mack said smiling back

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