It runs deep
Once a smooth surface
Like silkI grow
One hill after the otherYour mountains
You scream
And creatorsMy body
My mindThese hills turn to volcanoes
Erupting its volcanic lavas onto this once
SurfaceAs the lava cools from within
It never goes back down
It never flattens
Never smooths back to its original form
It NEVER becomes as beautiful as I once dreamed that it wouldYOUR MOUNTAINS
You screamAnd my canyons
For my beauty lies deeper than whats on the surface of my burnt and scarred skinThe constant eruptions of my hormones
Under my seven layers of skin
The forceful eruptions that man kind would press deep
Into the silk that was only meant to have a sand hill
Only to make my seven layers swell in rage and burst the red burning fluids down and around
Only to protect itself
Only to stop what man kind was forcing it to do so
ONLY crying to its breaking point to where it said
No more
NO MOREMy beauty is not what made me
My beauty are my scars that helped and protected my canyons
My volcanoes that burst into red tears of