Sweet Cheeks

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Hearing the creaky steps of someone walking down the stairs woke me up but I decided not to open my eyes. "Human, get up." Sans had said this in a gentle voice to me and I grumbled slightly, turning to the other side of the couch pulling the covers farther up to ignore the skeleton. Then I heard him move to the side of the couch and cupped my cheek running his boney thumb over it, for some reason being very gentle with me. "Common get up, it is eight in the morning." His voice was a bit quieter than normal. So I decided to open my eyes to look into his red eye.

"What's with you being so gentle with me?" He snarled at me and grabbed me by my hair, which resulted in a yelp and a kick in the ribs for him. He fell backwards and glared at me. "Touch me again, I dare you." He grinned and I scrunched my nose at him. "You know what I mean, don't think like that."

"I'll lick you if you don't get up, this is your final warning. Also I am not gentle." Scrunching my closed eyes together I swat at his general direction but he had moved from my petty attempt and grinned.

"Touch me skeleton and I swear..." He then sat on the small bit of couch that wasn't taken up by my body and grabbed my pudgy stomach. Yelping I roll over knocking him off the couch with me landing on top of him. From all of the commotion Papyrus had woken up and come down stairs.

"Human get off my brother you are crushing him with your fat ass. Also Sans quit making so much noise you worthless piece of shit!" I frowned at this statement and quickly whispered an apology to Sans if I accidently hurt him, then decided to head upstairs and change into clothes for the day.

When I came back downstairs breakfast was on the table and I just decided to ignore my plate of food and grabbed some coffee and headed back to the couch. "Human are you not going to eat the food I made you? It's probably for the better since you're so fat!" I just sighed ignoring Papyrus, this normally happens when I don't eat his food he just gets pissy but I really could care less. Looking over I saw Sans give me a slightly worried glance in which I raised an eyebrow at him and he just scowled at me and went back to eating his breakfast. Once breakfast was over we decided to head out for training/guard duty for any humans, which is ironic. They had decided not to give me to the capital because I 'amused' them for now at least so they gave me the couch to live on for now. Over time though the skeletons have grown on me I think even with moments like this where Papyrus is pissy he is not as angry as he used to be around me, the same goes for Sans and moments like this morning have been happing more often where he is gentle with me. Maybe he was being nice because they were going to kill me soon, hell if I know.

Looking out in the distance I stare at the snow falling down as I am sitting at this sentry station with Sans. "You okay (Name)?" Sighing I ignore him and lay my head down on my arms. "You know Papy doesn't mean it right?"

"He is just stating the obvious Sans." Glancing over to him with a slight frown on my face I look back into the scenery in front of me, until I feel him hug my side laying his head on my shoulder.

"The fuck are you doing Sans, get off of me." He didn't respond and just held tighter onto me. "Sans..."

"Doll face you are perfect to me, I know my brother can be an ass sometimes but you know he doesn't mean it. We care for you kid we really do and I love you sweetheart. Feeling my eyes tear up I turn into his embrace and hug him back.

"I love you too Sans and alright I believe you, I was just so used to hearing it all the time... I guess I just got used to thinking what people said was true."

"None of it is true (Name) you are perfect the way you are and don't change sweet cheeks." He then pinched my ass making me flustered and I swat his chest pulling away from him slightly.

"Don't do that." I hit his shoulder lightly.

"What you got a sweet ass, I couldn't resist."

"So romantic Sans..." I just roll my eyes and he chuckles. 

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